Chapter 36 Power

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It takes her a moment to response but I already know the answer. She wants to go. She's drawn to that place like an alcoholic to wine. It's bad for them, but yet – they'll still pursue it.


I simply head down the steps, holding up my hand to let her stop talking, "After this we'll be done with that pack, okay? I think you need closure"

She nods, taking my hand. I kiss the top of hers, feeling sparks erupt from my lips.

"We'll leave at six" I say, enveloping her in a hug. She nods and then utters a thank you


I starred up at the house that had been my prison just a few weeks ago. Why was I even standing here? Am I crazy? No sensible person goes back to where they were held in a room with one book and a very irritating hot capture.

Yet, here I stood. With my mate next to me. And I really just wanted to climb back in the car and speed off.

"You ready?" his husky voice made my heart skip a beat. I only nodded, reminding myself that I was now a guest. A guest. Not a capture. Not some stupid girl who crossed the border. Just a guest. I let him lead me up the stairs, my legs shaking like I had too much to drink. The minute the door opened I felt like collapsing on the floor. Inside my head my wolf whimpered and every hair on my arm rose up.

So much power. So much intense Alpha-ness. All in one room. For a none-status, it actually hurt. Wonder what a poor non-shifter would have done in here. Probably would have fainted. At least I'm not that anymore. Some people looked over at us but no one actually bothered.

We were Moonlight after all. The goody-two-shoes pack. Yeah right...

I look around the room, amazed at the sheer beauty of it. All around, candlelight danced along the walls creating a feeling of calmness and happiness. You know, for other people. Someone approached us, his aim clear to talk to Felix.

"Felix, it's been too long" the man smiled, shaking my mate's hand, "How are things at Moonlight?"
"Going well thank you, how is Forest packers?"

"As well, we've expanded our territory. Kingston had joined us. It's a bit difficult to have two alphas but we're sorting things out..."

The man continued to speak but at that moment an ear piercing howl echoed in my brain.

Fluff... what the hell was that for!?!?!


When I came into the room, I immediately knew of her. Call it instinct but the minute I stepped foot into the foyer, my heart started pounding like crazy. Heat course through my veins and my wolf let out soft howls. When my eyes fell on her, hers fell on my own. They were wide and as mesmerizing as I can remember.

Those things had haunted my dreams for too long. My thoughts were contained with the idea of seeing them again. Nightmares. They were complete nightmares.

She blinked and I was finally released from her gaze. My eyes turned away from her and the person next to her.

Could I kick out an alpha? Not the classiest thing to do...

But damn, it seemed so tempting.

I shook my head, grabbing a champagne flute from a waitress that passed by. Taking a light sip, I tasted the sweet nectar before it disappeared down my throat. I sighed, wishing that I could just down the thing right here and disappear.

Instead I did the cowardly choice and left the room once again. I needed some air. Needed a place to clear my head. Without the distraction of a girl who had a mate.

I entered the piano room, the place having no other use except for clearing your head and having a piano in the middle. I honestly just think we didn't know what to do with the space because none of us knew how to play the damn thing.



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