Chapter 13 Prison

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I slowly move down the steps, my heart thumping. Another yell made my bones shake and I grasped close onto the railing. I took the last step, taking a deep breath. There were two doors, both old and filled with dust. Yet the one had handprints.

Okay, calm down Lily. You can do this...

I took hold of the door handle, slowly opening it. And then I saw him.

He looked absolutely terrible. His hair was mattered with dust and blood and his eyes were faded. It looked like he haven't eaten in days and his neck was caked with rust coloured blood. I swear it was still slightly wet. All along his neck, it was lightly blue as if someone had tried to suffocate him. His arms were slackened by his side, his wrists bound and lightly bleeding and swollen. So, so swollen.

When he looked up, those eyes slightly widened but he didn't react.

"Chase?" his name was choked out, if I could hardly comprehend that he was here.

What was he doing here? He couldn't be here...

I took a step forward, feeling my legs turning into jelly.

"What... what are you doing here?" I mumbled, stumbling down onto my knees in front of me. I lightly placed my hand on his, it freezing cold. He looked at me, blinking. A light smile played on his lips before it disappeared.

"You look good" he sighed, closing his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered, ignoring his useless mumbles.

"I crossed the border" he said, leaning his head back.

"But... but..."

"Lily, just – shh" he said, biting his lip. He was angry. I knew he was angry. I'd be angry too... this was all my fault. The quiet air filled the room and I disliked it. My eyes glanced over at his wrists, sucking in a breath.

He had to get out of here. And I was a new werewolf, so that meant I was strong. I was fast and strong and new. I took hold of the left shackle, trying to not cry out as it stung my palms. Yet I still pulled, feeling tears springing out of my eyes.

You can do this Lily. I pulled once more, gritting my teeth but it was way too sore. How had he handled this pain?

I let go of the shackles, looking down at the blisters and sores that covered my hands. It looked like third-degree burns. Badly third degree burns.

"What can I do?" I asked, wiping the tears off with the back of my hand.

"Just leave" he mumbled and I felt my heart ache. I looked at him, feeling the tears well up once again. I nodded, slowly getting up.

"I'll be right back – I promise" I said, giving his arm a squeeze before getting up once again. I rushed up the stairs, hoping that no one was there.

Fate was on my side for once in my life as I made it successfully to the fridge. I grabbed as much as I could – anything that he could immediately eat and then rushed back downstairs.

"Here" I said, holding up a piece of bread, "I... I... I know it's not much but I'll get more" I said.

He slightly opened his eyes, looking at me sceptically.

"Eat" I said, lifting up the piece. The light smile returned and he gave me a smirk, "Only you" he mumbled yet he still opened his mouth. He widened his eyes, giving me a look.

"I kind of not lift my arms so um... not to make it too awkward..."

"O, sorry" I said, pushing the piece into his mouth.

"Sweet glory" he said, gulping down the food. I gave him a light smile, giving him a grape. I spent giving him food for a while until the food ran out.

"Do you feel better?" I mumbled, squeezing his hand once again.

He only nodded, leaning his head backwards against the wall.

"I'm so sorry Chase" I said, trying again to apologise.

"It's okay" he said, not even looking at me.

"I'll get you out of here, I promise"

"Don't make promises you can't keep"

I sucked in a breath, only nodding and then got up, "I'm intending to keep it"

His eyes opened and he starred at me intensely, those moonlike eyes taking me in. I could almost feel my heat creeping up once again. And then it was like a bucket of ice fell on me, "Nice love bites" Chase said, his eyes trained on my neck.

I gingerly touched the skin, feeling my cheeks flushed. The smirk disappeared from his face and he closed his eyes once again. 

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