Chapter 30 Bond

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Once I get home, it is confirmed that my parents were pretty worried about me. And my disappearance. But after assuring them that I was hundred percent fine and that they shouldn't have worried over me, they had allowed me to go to my room. After – you know – a breakfast that could feed an army right throughout the war. The rest of the morning I had spent wrapped up in my own thoughts and working on some projects I had neglected throughout the course of the summer.

But by lunch, I was starting to miss my mate once again. I liked the new mating connection me and Felix had, but it kind of irritated me as well.

Constantly thinking, constantly missing. Constantly wanting to mate with him. I could feel my cheeks heating up and warm embarrassment filling my core as I recollected what had happened last night.

Gosh Lily – you aren't as innocent as you'd want to be.

I'm going to blame my wolf for that however.

A sudden knock on my door, made my wolf bark out and I knew before even opening that it was Felix.

"Hey" I grinned, biting my lip as I captured the vision of my mate.

"You're parents let me in" he grinned, embracing me in a hug. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, hearing my wolf happily whimpering in my head.

"I've missed you" he said, "Which is weird because I saw you like two hours ago"

"Two and a half" I grinned, giving him another kiss on the cheek. I liked to feel his skin on my lips and the urge to get closer to him, was filling me. He let out a light chuckle before his hand slipped into mine.

"How are you feeling?"

"Bit bruised but nothing I can't handle" he said, guiding me down the stairs. We left the house, Felix and I walking towards the woods.

"Where we going?" I asked as we trudged deeper into the wilderness.

"You need to learn to be patient" he chuckled, giving me a quick peck on my head. Sparks erupted in my skull and it felt as if I was never going to get used to feeling it. Bu truth be told, why would I want to get used to it? With every spark I felt a pull towards my mate. Something urging me to become closer to him. To crave him even more.

It was dangerous, sure. Primal instincts in a wolf could take over but as this stage I was just happy to spend my time with my mate. We suddenly stopped, him pulling me back to stand next to him seeing that I had continued to walk like some idiot.

"Close your eyes" he grinned, his eyes glinting.

I frowned, ready to say something but then his lips connected to mine once again. Damn... weakened knees here we come. His lips moved slowly over mine, brushing them as if his lips were a paintbrush and mine was just the canvass. It was up to him to give meaning. I wrapped my arms around his neck, going to stand on my toes to make the kiss easier for him. Allowing him access to my open mouth, his tongue slowly and torturously moved to dance with mine. He was lengthening this kiss out, making my body ache with wanting. Trying to deepen the kiss I pulled him closer but instead, his mouth closed and was replaced with the taste of a smile. My wolf let out a whimper and I swear, I was close to my own sad sounds.

I felt something brush over my eyes and when I felt Felix move away from me, all I saw was darkness.


"I knew you weren't going to just close your eyes willingly" his voice was filled with amusement and I couldn't help but stick my tongue out at him in a childish manner.

"I don't like being blindfolded" I muttered but there was still a smile on my face.

"Just for a short while" I felt his hand once again surrounding mine.

He guided me, through various stumbles, somewhere and when we finally stopped it felt as if my heart wasn't going to survive another mini attack. Thank you rocks and uneven ground. Felix' hand left mine and then light suddenly flooded my vision. In front of me was a blanket. A soft red one and all around a billion lilies which had been strategically placed to create a pathway and a border around the blanket. On top of the blanket was a pizza box and a small cooler bag. Along with that were some closed packets of chips and what looked like candles.

"Okay, reclose your eyes" he said which made me chuckle, "Why?"

"Wind blew the flames away. Far less romantic now"

"I love it Felix" I said, giving his hand a squeeze once I took hold of it again. I watched as a blush crept into his cheeks and I leaned in, feeling his warmth embracing me. We walked towards the blanket, Felix letting me sit down before lighting the candles once more.

"I really hope you like this. I just... I love you and you're my mate. And after the stuff we've been through these past few weeks, I wanted to show you the sweeter part of being my mate"

"You are the sweetest mate in the world" I said, grasping hold of his face, pulling his lips towards mine. 

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