Chapter 22 Assemble

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As soon as Lori returns I order her to go get Jack, Max, Anya and Jarred. She eyed me sceptically at first but after a growl, she scurried off. It was high time I got my best friend back. High time we taught that stupid goody-two-shoes pack a lesson.

You wanted to mess with Hellwood, you were going to see why we were named that way. Lori and the group comes back within five minutes.


"We are going to go get Chase back" I said simply, not even looking at them.


I look up, glaring at the five. The betas looked uncertain while the warriors knew better to not go against me. I glance over at Jared, folding my arms, "I want you to get me your best warriors" he nods, standing to attention. Peering at Max and Anya I quickly instruct them to get the pack informed and anyone who wanted to, should meet me in front of the pack house in ten minutes.

All three scurry off, leaving me alone with my betas.

"Sir, can we... can we discuss this?"

"Discuss what?"

"Going to go get Chase? Where is he? Does he even want to come back?" Jack asked, getting on my nerves with every syllable.

"He's been captured. He's in flipping Moonlight and yes, I'm sure. Now, do as I say or I swear Jack... I will un-title you" I growled.

He sucked in a breath but still nodded, standing back at attention. I turned to Lori, waiting for her to go against me as well but she didn't say anything.

"Jack – go check who has decided to join us" I instructed, not wanting him around. He nodded, whipping around and leaving my office. Lori stares at me for a moment before I give her a death stare.

"I'm not going to go against you Alpha" she said.

"Why not?" I said, folding my arms.

"Matt" she said, rolling her eyes, she folds her own arms, completely dropping the whole at-attention pose, "Are you serious? Chase, you and me. We've hung out our whole flipping lives. I don't care if he bloody murdered Jack, I'd still want him back"

"You wish he had murdered Jack" I said, giving her a light smile.

"True..." Lori smirked, "Do you know where Chase is specifically?"

I nodded, "If anything happens Lori – I need you to step up"

She frowned but still nods, "If anything happens – and it won't – I will step up alpha"

I nodded, "Good. And good luck convincing Jack about this"

"I won't have to. We're just going to go get our friend back"

Before I can respond, there's a knock on the door. Jack peers his head in and after seeing me nod, opens the door wider.


"How many?"

"About half the pack sir"

My eyes widen, not having expected such a turn out but quickly collect myself.



When Felix opens the door, I grab his arm – desperate to stop him from killing my kidnapper.

"Don't worry Squirrel" he said, giving me a light smile. He opens the door and then I see Chase. Every time I see him, my heart skips a beat, the feeling torture. When he lifts his head, I capture his eyes. They've changed. Become hard.

And I absolutely hate it.

"Well if it isn't the dramatic couple" he sneered, his glare icy. I suck in a breath, trying to not whimper. Not a time to be weak Lily. Definitely not the time. I tighten the grip on Felix's arms as I notice the muscles slightly shaking underneath the skin.

"Watch it" he growled.

"Glad to see you guys fixed things" Chase said. I eyes his hands, seeing them being clenched into fists. Felix glared at him but luckily didn't say anything.

The air thickened with awkwardness until my mate finally spoke up, making my heartbeat race.

"I'm going to set you free"

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