Chapter 31 Picnic

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Lily has changed a lot. That is one thing I'd admit. Yet, I still didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing. As her lips were placed on mine, I felt warmth fill every part of me. Her soft fingers brushed my cheeks and I placed my hands on her hips, pulling her closer to me.

Yeah okay, it was a good thing. Old Lily would have slapped me if I even looked at her.

Heck, I would have probably tripped her.

Her mouth slowly parted, allowing access for the kiss to become fiercer. I lightly laid her down, our lips still connected. Lily's hands guided to behind my head, tangling her small thin fingers in my hair. I myself, still held onto her waist, my thumb lightly skimming the fabric that hid her body. Lily leans away for a second, her cheeks flushed and her eyes glinting with something that can only be described as lust.

We're in the woods. We're in the woods. We can't mate in the flipping woods.

Who the fluff cares?

I throw off my t-shirt, leaning into her again. She welcomes me without hesitation and as my hand slips under her t-shirt, her body lightly shudders. Her skin feels like satin and as my thumb dips into her belly-button, her lower half slowly rises, skimming my own.


I slowly move my hand higher, then resting on top of her bra at a stage. I can feel the lacy texture of the clothing piece, how it dips to her middle and how it has a little ribbon and heart shaped pendant. My fingertips touch the soft skin right above the fabric and I can feel heat vibrating through every part of me. The girl underneath me also shudders lightly and her lower part moves up once more.

My lips move away from her, moving to her neck, her soft shoulder and then, as I slip the straps off of her shoulders, I begin to plant light pecks on her collar bone. I can feel her hands lightly moving down my abdomen, her fingernails ever so lightly skimming the dents and muscles. When her finger tips rest just above my jeans, I have to lean away.

This is getting way too dangerous.

Common sense intervenes as I go and lie next to my mate. Something had seemed off. Something that had made her stop.

When I look at her, her eyes are scrunched closed and she's biting her lip.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, enveloping her hand in mine.

"Nothing" she stumbles over the word, it clearly a lie. Slowly she sits up, giving me a weak smile, "Come on, you had prepared this entire meal"

I give her a light smile back, "You sure everything is okay?"

She nods, leaning in to give me a quick peck on my slightly swollen lips.

"I'm with you, everything is perfect"


Yeah, no. Everything wasn't perfect. But how could I tell my mate that? I was horrible. I was disgusting. I deserved to get rejected.

We had been kissing. We had everything perfect, you know? Like I was ready to give in. And then... then those stupid grey eyes just HAD to appear in my brain. As if he hadn't created enough problems.

I watch as Felix pulls the pizza box closer, giving me another smile.

"I got us Hawaiian, hope that's okay. When you were once at a party, you basically only ate it. I swear you would have eaten the box too"

"You remember that?"

The last time I had even come close to a party Felix had hosted was when I was thirteen. After that, the adults and the kids split and I was no longer obligated to be pushed into any pools. He nodded, "See, I did sometimes pay attention"

"Probably because the next time you were going to put bugs in the pizza"

"I won't ruin pizza like that" he chuckles, giving me a slice.

"Thank you" I grinned, taking a bite.

It was a nice date. We had made out once more but this time, there was no stripping or our bodies taking control. I still felt guilty over my inappropriate thought so decided to keep it PG. As Felix walks me home, I try and keep my thoughts on him but it's hard. Inside my head, my wolf keeps growling at me which doesn't help matters.

"I hoped you enjoyed it" Felix grinned as we arrived at my house.

Okay, only Felix. Think of only Felix.

I give him a long kiss, wrapping my hands around his neck.

Yes, this is good. This is nice. This is how I'm supposed to be feeling. Not supposed to be thinking of my kidnapper who would have bitten my lip by now – DAMMIT!

"I'll call you later?" Felix grinned. I nodded, heading into my house.

The next week is a constant of me and Felix spending time together. It's nice and perfect and I'm happy. I stop myself every time from thinking about my kidnapper and I'm proud of that. Throughout the week, I and Felix had grown closer. I'm happy. I'm content and I know there's nothing that can ruin that.


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