Chapter 19 The fix

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Once Felix slams the door in my face, the whimpering from my wolf increases to such an extent, it gives me a throbbing headache. I don't know how long I stayed standing at that door, my hand slightly raised once again in order to knock. But once I finally let it hopelessly fall to my side, my heart falling to the floor along with it, it's aching. I turn around, feeling a bit unbalanced as I make my way down the stairs.

He just needs time to cool down. Time to breathe and realise that keeping Chase in our pack is only bringing trouble. It is bringing trouble. If I can just...

My movement become faster as the idea forms in my head. I just need to get Chase away from Moonlight and then everything will be fixed.

It's a magical thing when mates become desperate... It really is. I head outside, taking a deep breath as I start to move – once again – into the woods, my destination a forbidden place.

Yet I trudge, later on I undress, tying my clothes around my ankle before shifting. I'm in such a one-track mind I don't even realise I hadn't ripped my dress.

Maybe this is going to work out. I make it to the border a while later, my plan seemingly becoming more a good idea as I had moved along the trees.

But now, standing near inches away from the tree I had fallen off of so many nights ago, doubt comes crawling into my heart.

It's going to be my second time crossing this thing. I'm going into a place that I had actually escaped from.

And for what?

To get my mate in trouble. To get my PACK in trouble.

I must be going mental...

A whimper from my wolf makes me shake the negative thoughts out of my head.

Alpha Matthew will understand. I mean, this is kind of like a peace offering isn't it? He can just go to Alpha Richard or Felix and tell them to let Chase go.

And they'll agree because Chase is just being a menace in an otherwise good bonding time for me and my mate.

Even to myself, I sound selfish.

I groan, taking the final step into forbidden territory.


I watch Lily leave my house, her shoulders slumped but she looks pretty determined. For what I don't know. I let out a sigh, knowing that she was probably just going to run around the trees to clear her mind.

She was that type of person. She'd always been.

Whenever she was upset, she'd go into the forest, no matter for what reason. I remember the time in kindergarten when I had dumped that paint over her head. Her eyes had glassed over with tears as the red paint had dripped down her nose. Once she had thrown the blue painted over my own head, she had stormed off into the woods. Her parents had to go and find her when she had disappeared for the whole day. She had just been scampering around the trees like her typical squirrel-self.

A light smile appeared on my face without me noticing.


I let out a groan, heading to my door. I started to go towards the woods, trying to sense where she might be. I moved towards the east, hoping that she might have gone to the pool. It took me a while to get there yet no... there was no sign of a light grey wolf or a girl with strawberry blonde hair.

Time to shift...


It had been a bad idea to cross the border. The minute all four of my paws moved over the invisible line, they came for me. Pitch black and seemingly a lot more pissed off then Chase had been. The first one pushes me down on the ground, all four of them growling at me as if I was a threat.

Why have you crossed?

I...I... I came to speak to... to..."

A sharp pain erupts from my neck and my brain goes numb. My wolf lets out low whimpers before the sound halts. I try to keep my eyes open, though it's nearly impossible. Another pain and I succumb to the brilliant darkness that looked so nice.


Hey guys sorry for the short update. I had, had the absolutely worst week of my entire life. Practical is not what I thought it would be. so please be sympatric. Next chapter will be up again Sunday. Hopefully this week will go better.

All the love and thanks for the support


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