Chapter 17 - Preparation

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I just noticed that the last two chapters were extremely short so I tried to make this as long as I could possibly can.

After I finish this story, I would revise it so you could understand the story better.

This story is still far from over though. We're not even halfway there.


I dropped Junior on top of the table before I went to my room to rest. It was such a long morning and I was exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster I experienced.


I sat up to face him, angrily. "You dare show up now?"

He held his hands up in surrender and chuckled. "Look, I can't let you leave with an unfinished business."

"I said goodbye. Can you let me leave now?"

His happy-go-lucky expression changed into a serious one as he buried his hands on his pocket. "No, you've got a list of unifinished business, Aria. I can't let you go."

"What? I'm done talking to Dani. She doesn't want to leave. What do you want me to do now?"

He leaned on the wall and smiled at me like he knows something that I don't. "A lot. There's saying goodbye, admitting something, and stop being irresistable."

What the hell is this guy talking about? I rolled my eyes at him and threw a pillow at his face which he easily caught. "Can you take this seriously?"

"I'm serious. You really need to stop being irresistable because if you do, you'll never get out of here." I'm so close to punching this guy's face. Why is this guy my guide? Why?! He'll be the death of me or worse, he'll be the reason why I'm in a loony bin someday. "Seriously, you need to resolve a lot of issues."

"What issues?"

He raised a brow and shook his head. The mischief in his eyes were visible. He knows something that I don't, for sure. Damn you, Gabriel.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He winked at me and snapped his fingers before disappearing.

I sighed and stood up. There was no use in asking myself because I would get nothing. I know better because of what happened when I was new here. It was better for me to think about what these 'issues' Gabriel was talking about.

Issues? That would be Dani, of course. Then I have to add Kagami and Kuroko because of what happened this morning. Then Akashi because he's a walking issue for me. That's it right?

Unfinished business? it's only saying goodbye to my friends here.

Maybe, I'll start with Sae and Yumiko since they were my friends who weren't part of the anime. I took my phone and started texting the both of them.

To: Yumiko, Sae

Can you meet me at ****?

I hit send and put it back in my pocket then went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat while waiting for the two's response.

A few minutes later, Yumiko replied and said that they're on their way to my house which was better because I still can't wander around alone.

I was in the middle of eating my noodles when the doorbell rang. I hopped out of my chair and walked to the door to welcome the two. Yumiko and Sae walked in silently and sat on the couch, looking tense. I knew immediately that there was something wrong.

"Okay, spill." I demanded, crossing my arms in front of them.

Sae fidgeted with her fingers as she looked down on it, avoiding my stare while Yumiko gave me a weak smile. "It's not our business to tell, Aria. I'm sorry."

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