chapter eight

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"Thank you!" I bowed gratefully at the woman who provided the directions to Rakuzan. She bowed back and smiled before walking away from me. As soon as I saw her retreating figure, I immediately felt nervous. My hands started sweating as I looked around the street, the directions the woman provided earlier went out of my head.

I don't know how I survive these days with this talent. I've been in Kyoto for three days and I'm actually surprised it took me this long before I got lost.

"Now where is it again?" I mumbled to myself, turning my head left and right before crossing the street. Maybe when in doubt I'll go one direction.

Ha, look at me showing my directioner side.

"Are you lost?" a soft voice asked from behind me which made me jump back in surprise before turning around. He had a smile on his face as he literally looked down on me. He was freaking huge. "Where are you headed to? Maybe I can help you."

I can hear the angels sing hallelujah while I smiled gratefully at the stranger. There's no such thing as stranger danger in my vocabulary.

"Oh thank the heavens above!" I dramatically shouted as I lifted my arms in glee. "I need help with finding Rakuzan because if I don't I will die!"

He stared at me for a moment before chuckling. "Ah what a cutie. I'm on my way to Rakuzan, I can help you go there." he turned his back to me and started walking ahead. I followed suit and my eyes widened at the words engraved in his white and light blue jersey. Rakuzan. Holy cheeseballs.

"No freaking way!" I shouted in surprise as I gazed at the jersey. He slightly slanted his body so he can look at me inquisitively. I met his eyes and pointed at him. "You're from Rakuzan!"

"Well..." he droned, tilting his head to the side. "Yeah."

It was official. I am dumb. Not just any dumb but the worse kind, I've suddenly had a Kagami moment. "Of course, you are. You're huge and you're wearing a Rakuzan jersey. Of course, you're from Rakuzan. I'm sorry it was stupid of me," I rambled on.

I cannot accept the fact I'm slowly losing braincells. I need to get as far away as possible from Kagami.

"No, it's fine."

He started walking again and I followed once again, matching his pace walked as we made our way to the school in silence. I can see the roof of Rakuzan in a distance.

"I'm Mibuchi Reo," He started.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Aria Torres."

His eyes widened for a second and recognition flashed his eyes. "Oh, you're from Seirin, right? You're the assistant manager for the basketball team."

Assistant Manager? I didn't even know I was part of the team. I usually hang out with the team but I was not part of them like that. I shook my head in response. "I'm not, actually. I'm just friends with them."

"We had a thought you'll be joining the basketball team." Mibuchi replied as he thoughtfully touched his chin, looking distantly. "I distinctly remember Danielle-san mention it."

"Dani? You know her?"

He gave me a mysterious smile and stopped on his tracks before spreading his arm wide. "Well, here we are! Where are you off to?"

I gawked at Rakuzan. The place was eerily majestic, I would say. The architecture seemed to be inspired by old Japanese designs but nevertheless the school looked like a place for the elite. Something Danielle actually deserves if I'm being honest. "Can I come with you to the gym?"

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