chapter four

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"Finally!" I yelled exasperatedly after the last teacher exited the room as I jumped up from my seat. "I thought it'll take forever for us to get out." I added while arranging my notebooks inside the bag. My classmates did the same, some laughing at me for being so eager to get out.

Well, you can't blame me. The team has a game today and it'll be my first time to watch them in an official game.

"Sae-chan, you coming to the game?" Yumiko questioned as she marched to Sae's chair which was in front of me while she searched for something inside her bag.

Sae nodded. "How about you, Aria-chan?" she asked, turning to me. I nodded in response and lifted my bag from the desk and carried it.

The three of us hurried to the gates while talking. We were probably late for the game so we have to get there fast. I don't want to miss a single moment. "So who are you cheering for, Aria-chan?" Yumiko asked.

"The team, of course." I replied, giving her a look. It was obvious that I am going to cheer for the guys. I am friends with them, after all.

Sae grinned and looked up at the sky dreamily. "I'm going to cheer for Izuki-senpai." she declared.

Izuki-senpai sure is famous around the girls in this school. Well, I won't be arguing with that. He's good-looking anyway. The only trouble he brings is that pun book of his. "I didn't know you like Izuki-senpai." I mumbled.

Yumiko grinned and smiled at Sae teasingly. "Sae has liked senpai sinced middle school." she blurted without hesitation.

"Eh?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "Why aren't you confessing yet?" I asked afterwards while we wait for a bus to come pick us up.

Sae's face turned red as she avoids our gaze. "I can't." she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Why not?" I asked. "Your feelings are sincere, Sae, that's why you should confess and I'm sure it will reach Izuki-senpai." I encouraged, much to Sae's delight, thanking me in return.

A bus soon came so we quickly boarded the vehicle, afraid to arrive late for the game, even though we are already late. Once we found ourselves some vacant seats, we resumed our chat.

"Anyway, who's going up against our team?" Yumiko asked while Sae read a magazine to pass time.

I leaned back and looked out the window, silently watching the crowd of people pushing past against each other.

"Who are the team's opponents today?" Yumiko questioned.

"Josei, I think." I replied.

Yumiko grumbled under her breath, looking disappointed as she pouted. "And here I thought they're going to play against Shutoku."

Sae looked up from the magazine she was reading and shook her head. "They're facing Josei. If they win two games then they might face Shutoku next." she explained.

"Is Shutoku strong?" I asked.

Yumiko nodded, her eyes twinkling as she grinned from ear to ear. "Midorima Shintaro-kun is the terrifying shooter of Shutoku. He was once part of the Generation of Miracles." she explained.

A part in my head throbbed after she mentioned the last three words but I quickly shrugged it off before I get another headache. This so called "generation of miracles" seem so familiar and no matter how hard I try to ignore them, they'll be always mentioned. It's like a ghost that keeps haunting me.

"Who are these generation of miracles anyway?" I asked, hoping to know more about this group of people I keep hearing about.

The two of them gave me a funny look before Yumiko chuckled to herself in disbelief. "I forgot you're from America. Of course, you don't know them." she mumbled.

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