Chapter 14 - Goodbye?

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"Aria-chan has been out lately, haven't you?" Sae asked me as we walked to the stadium. Good news, I'm wearing my coat. Bad news, I'm already sick.

I was supposed to be in bed for two days since my cold got worse the next day after Akashi left my unit.

I nodded and sneezed. "I forgot to wear a coat." I explained.

Yumiko shook her head disapprovingly. "It can't be helped. You will not watch the game later. You need rest."

"Wah! No! I need to watch them win!" I protested like a child and stomped my foot on the ground, pouting.

Sae shook her head. "No, we can't let that happen, Aria-chan. Aria-chan needs to be strong to cheer!"

"That's unfair! I want to watch them! Please let me watch." I begged. They both sighed and caved in.

"As soon as their game has ended, you're going home!" Yumiko firmly stated. I nodded excitedly and followed them to the stadium.

Today was the opening ceremony of the Winter Cup. A huge mass of crowd was just outside, waiting to get in to watch the best high school basketball teams compete against each other. It looked like they're going to watch professionals play judging by these number of people. As I was too busy wandering off, I forgot I had company and lost them in just a few seconds of gawking at the number of people.

I got lost.

I pushed through and squished myself out of the crowd and found myself still far from the entrance. What a drag. My head turned left and right hoping to catch sight of some people I know. My feet aimlessly wandered around like a lost kid. Technically, I was really lost but not a child.

I was almost rejoicing when I saw Kagami's back but stopped myself when I saw the Generation of Miracles just in front of him. My instincts told me to run to him. I pulled Kagami to face me and I saw blood trickling down in his cheek.

"What happened, Kagami?" I asked worriedly and opened my bag to get a towel to stop his wound from bleeding.

Kagami caught my hand before it could get to his cheek. "I'm okay, Aria-- do you have a fever?!" Kagami yelled all of a sudden. Doubling the concern I had a while ago.

Kuroko placed his hand on my forehead. "Aria-kun, you need to go home."

I coughed. "No..." I protested weakly. "I need to see you win." My eyes found Aomine's when I stated those words. He seemed surprised but he suddenly laughed humorlessly.

Before Aomine could mutter another word, Akashi pushed the two aside and felt my forehead. "You're such a stubborn girl. I told you to rest!" He scolded, raising his voice a bit taking everyone by surprise.

"I just don't want to obey." I chuckled. His heterochromatic eyes looked angry, annoyed, and concerned? Is Akashi really worried? Well, he did tell me to rest and not watch Seirin's first game because of my fever but I was just too stubborn to listen to him. "You were right."

"I'm going to take her." Akashi stated. He didn't ask for anyone's opinion. He was simply saying he's taking me. What an annoying guy.

Kagami looked at Akashi angrily. "She's our friend! You can't--"

Akashi glared at him. "Shouldn't you be worrying about your game and not Aria?" He cut Kagami off. Before anyone could answer, Akashi lifted me and stalked out of the place. The look on everybody's face were similar. They all looked surprised.

Is Akashi's deed that surprising? That made me chuckle a bit. "Oi, Sei-tan. Why are your friends surprised?"

"You should ask them, not me."

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