chapter nine

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"You know you can't tell anyone that they're works of fiction."

I rolled my eyes at Gabriel. "It's not like they'll believe me even if I say so." I reasoned with a shrug. He released a loud sigh as if agreeing with me. I looked at him and he was staring off into the distance.

Gabriel was hunched forward, elbows perched on top of his thighs. He sipped the banana milk silently, deep in thought. "You absolutely can't tell them what will happen, too. Don't mess with the order of things in here." I just nodded in response, sipping on my banana milk and he was back to his thoughts. There was a pregnant pause between us before a thought suddenly crossed my mind.


My voice seemed to snap him from his reverie and he glanced at me, still distracted. "Hm?"

"How did we get in here, Gabriel?"

He sighed another time, running a hand through his hair. "It's not my place to say, Aria."

I stood up from the swing, kicking the ground in frustration. "How about you start talking now, Gabriel! I don't even know how I can get out of this world! I've been stuck here for months! Months!" I emphasized, my voice was getting harsher but he remained silent, looking at the ground in shame. I turned my back on him, resisting the urge to punch his face. Even though I had a feeling he wouldn't answer, I still waited for almost a minute for him to answer. When he didn't answer– not a even a sigh or  a sound–, I continued to ramble. "Everytime I ask a freaking question, your answers are always vague. Can't you just drop the air of mystery and start being honest with me?" He didnt answer. My blood pressure is rising because of the frustration of being kept in this world. "I don't even know how my mom is coping back home." With my family in thought, my voice cracked. I can feel the tears brimming, blurring my vision. "I'm tired. I just want to go home. I thought I'll have Dani but she doesn't want me, too, I'm all alone! I don't have anyone in this world." I started breaking down, dropping at the ground as I cried loudly.

I heard footsteps approaching me. I continued to cry knowing it was Gabriel. Maybe my tears will make him change his mind and help me come back home.

All of a sudden, a towelette was draped over my head. The person crouched in front of me, wiping my eyes with their hands. "You look like a crazy person."

My sobs was put to a halt upon recognizing the voice doesn't belong to Gabriel. I quickly wiped my face and snapped my head to Gabriel's direction but he was no longer around. That motherfu–

"Who are you looking for?"

I turned my attention back to Akashi. He was still crouching in front of me. "How long have you been here?" I asked with a sniff. My voice was hoarse from the cries I've let out earlier.

He shrugged. "You saying something about your mom?"

I frowned and tears started streaming again. I really miss my mom and her food. I don't lose any of my things when she's around. Sobs were released from my mouth again. "I miss my mom."

"Where is she?"

"At home," I replied in between the sobs. Akashi's voice seemed gentle as if he empathized with me. Somehow, I was still glad that he wasn't mocking me and I was thankful for that.

He released a sigh and took the towelette off of my head before dabbing the cloth against my face. "Of course your mother's at home but where in the world?"

"In America."

He stared at me for a moment before going back to wiping the tears out of my face. "Do you not have enough money to fly to America?" he asks.

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