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note: so i'm starting to make changes, edit the story but it will stick to its plot. hope you guys dont mind. i made this story years ago and reading it now and knowing i posted it on wattpad makes me cringe now.

story cover is j-hope from bts. love them! photo credit is from tumblr. bts-lockscreens has the best photos!


Aria Torres

"There was this theory before that there was another dimension, a lot like us but was different in its own way." Our homeroom teacher, Mr. Biggs, once said while everyone was busy minding their own business.

Gasp! CONSPIRACY THEORY! I had to bit back a laugh at my own mind. She's funny like that.

His statement was random and very weird, to say the least. Of course, I laughed at it for it was merely impossible. I mean, where is that dimension then? In Pluto? Ha, please.

But Danielle Hemmington, my best friend who was seriously the smartest person I knew, believed the guy and even added some facts to it. And so, the two had made the homeroom period the most boring room in school.

I can't believe she would even fall for that stupid idea! Mr. Biggs was probably under some drug today and it took all my willpower not to laugh at the old man. I guess, being an old man with no wife had made him believe that. He was probably bored with his life, I thought.

When the bell had finally rung, I almost yelled and danced around like a lunatic. I was that happy to get out of class and away from Mr. Biggs, the crazy old man. I stepped out of class to go to the next class in my schedule. As always, Dani was beside me, readiing another one of her manga. It was a Japanese comic book and she would talk forever about it.

I think it was her guilty pleasure or maybe it was her escape from the crazy school we are in. She's always pressured to be the top of the class. It's not like she had a hard time about it. I mean, the girl had learned to speak Japanese just from watching animes on her free time. Not only that, she can also speak French and Spanish fluently. Unlike me, I haven't perfected my own language yet!

"Shimatta!'" Dani exclaimed all of a sudden, much to my dismay. She had a habit of speaking in Japanese when she's in some kind of situation. "Gomene, Aria-chan, I have to give this back to the library." She said and lifted a different book with a title that looked about Greek to me.

I grimaced. "Since when did my name had -chan at the end?" I queried.

She grinned sheepishly. "It's a Japanese formality. We add -kun or -san to a guy or a girl about our age. Sometimes, we add -chan to girls, only. -Kun is added to guys only." She informed with a wide grin. Once you start on asking about Japanese, she'll go on forever about it. She had been feeding me with this Japanese information all the time since she started getting addicted to anime.

"Oh." I mumbled then opened my bag to get the book she lent me when I was suspended. I handed the manga to her. "I've finished reading it, Dani. It taught me a lot."

Her green eyes twinkled with delight in an instant. "Really? That's good then!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled and pat her head. "I wonder if I can find a guy like Kuroko. He really is useful in games." I added. "Anyways, thanks for taking care of the team while I was out."

"No problem!" She replied. "They were nice."

I narrowed my eyes at her frowned. Those guys were nowhere near nice. "Really?" I drawled suspisciously.

To my surpise, she nodded gleefully. "Yeah."

"Hm, that's good then." I responded, still somewhat suspiscious but I didn't press the topic further.

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