Chapter 6 Ep 3: Roots of All Evil Part 2

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In the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny looked in shock at the missing yellow stripe from the rainbow that's supposed to represent the unity and harmony that exists all across Equestria.

"Hitch! No!" Sunny cried out with panic and worry.

Meanwhile, Misty is comforting Sunset and trying to calm her down because of her panic attack. Misty has had a few in the past, since she has woken up from nightmares where she's back at the lair with Opaline, and her friends had comforted her to calm down. It's finally time to return the favor.

"Sunset, I need you to take deep breaths and look at me, okay?" Misty called out, while Sunset did so.

The Alicorn mare began to take deep breaths. The first few of them were shaky and forced, but little by little, they became genuine, until she's finally breathing normally again and can feel her mind focusing as it should.

Once Sunset felt she was back to stay calm, she looked over at Misty. "Thanks, Misty. Sorry for almost losing it..."

"Eh, I think you're fine, really," Sunny said with a forced smile because she looked at the rainbow light of the Brighthouse, which was missing the yellow line that represented Hitch's magic.

"You worry for him, don't you?" Sunset asked her after noticing her expression.

"I'm sure he fought 'till the very end, and yet... I'm worried, Sunset..." Sunny said with a sigh. "What if she hurt him after removing his Cutie Mark?!"

"Sunny, Sunny!" Sunset called out. "Panicking is not the answer right now! I know I just did that a few seconds ago, but we need to stay calm and focused, okay?"

"Sunset is right, Sunny," Misty agreed with concern. "Opaline got Hitch's Cutie Mark for now, but we may be the next!" She then gasped at a horrible thought. "Or even our friends!!!"

"But I can't be calmed right now!" Sunny said panicked. "Hitch is out there alone, with no magic to protect himself or the town's ponies! How can I focus when I know that he's on his own out there?!"

Seeing that Sunny's concern for Hitch seemed to be too big, Sunset and Misty looked at each other, but then they smiled and nodded, before looking back at Sunny.

"Well, then you should go on and make sure that your Sheriff is doing fine, Sunny," Misty said with a determinate look, that's also mixed with a teasing smirk.

Sunny's eyes widened after hearing this. "I'm sorry, what?" She asked confused.

"You say that you want to make sure he's fine, right?" Sunset asked, also with a determined look and a smirk. "Then go and do that! Misty and I will stay to protect the Brighthouse with everything we have. You just go and make sure your stallion is fine, okay?"

"Sunset..." Sunny complained with a frown, but also with a slight blush.

"Hey, you're the one that wanted to go and check on him!" Misty pointed out. "Just do that! I'm sure Sunset and I will be fine."

Sunny didn't want to leave her two friends on their own, but she certainly needed to make sure that Hitch was fine. In the end, she groaned and stomped her hooves like a filly that got mad over something.

"Fine! But if something happens, I'll rush here ASAP!" Sunny declared.

"I know you will, 'sis'," Sunset teased with a smirk and a wink, making Sunny smile and roll her eyes. "Now go to meet your Sheriff, girl!"

Sunny blushed a bit from the teasing, but she still nodded and trotted away toward the town, leaving Misty and Sunset on their own to watch over the Crystals and make sure that Opaline wouldn't take them away...

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