Chapter 5 Ep 6: Nightmare on Mane Street

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Maretime Bay was covered in spooky decorations, meaning that it was Nightmare Night again while Hitch spoke through the speaker. "Nightmare Night is officially upon us... today!" Hitch announced at his station through the microphone in a spooky tone to the crowd.

"Huh?" The crowd look at Hitch in confusion when he said that.

Hitch notice their looks as he gave a sheepish look. "I mean... tonight!" He corrected in a spooky tone again.

"Yeah!" Sparky cheered as he clapped to Hitch as the sheriff went up to the board with a card as he cleared his throat and look at the crowd.

"It's the spookiest night of the year and I've made sure tonight's is going to be our most exciting celebration, yet!" Hitch announced, which made the crowd looked confuse again as he gestured to the board. "Pipp helped me with this 'inspo' board and we got something for everypony. Trick-or-treating! Costume contests! Trick-or-treating while participating in a custom contest!" He called out before he realizes what he said as he look at his card. "Wait, that was a typo. Where was I?" He asked himself as he look at the board and saw the Community Garden.

"Oh yes... Pumpkin patches! And my favorite..." Hitch said as he grab a golden pumpkin card as he turned to the crowd with a smile. "Our annual game to find the 'golden pumpkin'! Heh?" He announced to the crowd with a smile.

The crowd just stood there in silence as they blink at Hitch as he gave a panic look. "Come on, Hitch. You're losing them." He said to himself before he turned back to the crowd with a smile. "Did I mention the winner will win a big mystery prize?" He asked them.

That got the crowd attention as they got interested. "Okay! Yes! Now this is what I'm talking about!" Sweets said in excitement.

Sparky babbled in excitement from what Hitch said as Jazz and Rocky are behind the crowd when they heard Hitch.

"Big prize?! I want that." Rocky said in excitement as he and Jazz look at each other.

"So what do you think it is? A treasure trove of treats?" Jazz asked her friend with an exciting smile.

"A gourd dipped in gold?" Rocky asked next.

Jazz gave Rocky an amusing smile. "Rocky, that's basically what the 'golden pumpkin' already is." She stated as the two put their hooves to their chins in thought before they spoke together.

"A treasure trove of treats dipped in gold!" They both said in unison with a wide smile.

Rocky then gave Jazz a challenging smirk. "Bet you I can find it first." He boasted.

Jazz gave a challenging smirk in respond. "Not if I'm the first one racing!" She teased as she trotted off.

"Hey, wait! No fair!" Rocky called out as he flew after Jazz.

Hitch then spoke to the crowd again. "Alright, everypony! Have fun, stay safe, and make sure you check out every single event I've prepared!" He instructed with a wave of his hoof.

"Why?" Toots asked from within the crowd. "Is there a prize for that, too?" He asked in wondered as the crowd were wondering the same thing.

"Yes! The prize of a good time!" Hitch answered with a wink as Toots just stood quiet as Hitch gave a bored expression from that. "Okay, fine, town meeting adjourned." He said as crowd then walk off.

Hitch then heard Sparky coming towards him as Sparky babbled and place a golden pumpkin as he gave Hitch a smile before Hitch kneeled and got a panicked look.

"Oh no, Sparky! I forgot to hide the golden pumpkin!" Hitch said in panic as he held up the golden pumpkin.

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