Chapter 2 Ep 3: Portrait of a Princess

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At the Crystal Brighthouse, a camera beeping sound was heard as Pipp's bed came into view as Pipp then showed up in front of the camera.

"Good morning, Pippsqueaks!" Pipp greeted her followers, as she lowered the camera a little bit. "Okay, today is..." she started, and then she threw some things out of the camera, just to appear again wearing a Pearl Necklace and white sunglasses with the shape of a heart. "Zephyr Heights Royal Princess Portrait Day!" Pipp announced as she posed, and then squealed with excitement. "Okay, so. The photo sesh isn't until this afternoon..." she stated, walking elegantly and sensual towards the camera. "... but you know I couldn't get ready without you!" she told her followers. "Thoughts?" she asked, as she placed her hooves on her chin and posed with her wings extended. Many emojis popped up on the screen, and then Pipp gasped when she saw Zipp on her side of the bedroom. "Let's see what Princess Zipp thinks about the combo!" she suggested to her followers, as she grabbed the phone and threw her sunglasses away. She send a picture of herself with her outfit to Zipp, who looked at her phone notification and rolled her eyes with annoyance. "Zipp, did you get that photo I just dewdropped to you?" Pipp asked.

"A little busy!" Zipp replied. Pipp flew over her sister's bed, while Zipp placed a draw she made of Twilight Sparkle over her 'detective board'. "Who was she talking about?" Zipp questioned who Twilight was trying to warn from. "Gotta be something that I'm missing here... " she stated, as she opened her computer and looked for something. "Maybe I should ask Sunset to let me talk to Twilight to get more information." She added quietly to herself, going to have to talk with the legendary Twilight when she can with Sunset.

Pipp flew down to her sister's side and rolled her eyes at her attitude. "Come on, Zipp! Just a quick look!" she begged to Zipp, lifting up her phone that kept live streaming and smiling.

"I told you I'm bus-- Pipp!" Zipp cried out with anger once she realized Pipp was livestreaming her, and she quickly closed her computer and turned at Pipp. "This investigation is private!" she said, and placed a hoof on Pipp's phone camera.

"Alright, alright" Pipp said, as she ended the livestream and put her phone aside.

Zipp walked towards her desk and looked at the window with worry. "How can you even think about Portrait Day when the mystery of that warning from Twilight Sparkle is still waiting to be solved?" she asked Pipp with concern. "Who was this evil force she was trying to warn us about? How did she build protection around Equestria?" she kept asking, walking towards her laptop again and opening it. "She said we were in danger, Pipp!" she pointed out with worry.

"We are." Pipp replied with an eyes roll. "In danger of looking awful in a portrait printed on the cover of Pegasus Weekly and referenced by the media for all of time!" she said, flying over her side of the bedroom and standing in front of her microphone. Then she gasped as she had an idea and grabbed the mic. "Oh. Oh, I know what will get you in the mood. Let's sing the Portrait Day Song from when we were fillies!" she said on her mic with a smile, but Zipp just turned around with a bored expression and walked back to her desk. "Be still. Don't move." Pipp started to sing.

"No song, Pipp." Zipp told her sister, as she grabbed a bag and threw it to Pipp.

"It's easy to smile with you by my side." Pipp kept singing as she dodged the bag Zipp threw. But then Zipp threw another one that did hit her and made her fell in the ground.

"No song!" Zipp yelled at her, getting back to her detective work.

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