Chapter 2 Ep 1: Izzy Does It

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In the magical land of Equestria, the three kingdoms of each tribe, Zephyr Heights, Bridelwood, and Maretime Bay, Ponies live in peace and harmony as Equestria’s Magic is now powerful than ever as it grows stronger by friendship and ponies living together.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, one of Hitch’s crew birds, Kenneth, flew to it as it landed on a pillow, but revealed to be a mountain of junk as Izzy searched through it as she mutterly sang happily to herself.

“And a little more of this. And less of that.” Izzy sings to herself with a smile as she tosses junk out of the way as she is shown to be wearing her glasses. “And this piece makes no sense.” She sang while levitating a spactual out of the junk pile. “Unless it’s upside down!” She sings as she flip the spatula rightside up as she places it back on the junk pile. “Now we’re cooking.” She cheered to herself as she started laughing as she then climbed to the top of the junk pile as Kenneth flew out of the way as Izzy sat down while levitating more junk around.

Zipp then flies in while holding her phone as she gives an interesting look at Izzy. “Hmm.” She hummed to herself, wondering what Izzy was doing.

Sunset walked out of the Brighthouse and saw Izzy and her junk pile while raising an eyebrow at this. “Okay. Somehow, I’m not surprised.” She said to herself, seeing this coming as Izzy did something strange with her Unicycling skills.

Hitch walked to the Brighthouse with his dragon, Sparky Sparkroni, on his back while looking at the junk pile Izzy made while Kenneth and Zipp landed next to him as Sunset walked to them as Kenneth chirp at them, with only Hitch would understand him, about this junk pile Izzy made.

“Good question, Kenneth.” Hitch said with a smile as he turned to Zipp and Sunset as he translated Kenneth’s question. “Hey, Zipp, Sunset, do any of you know what Izzy’s doing up there?” He asked them, not sure what Izzy was doing.

“Not. A. Clue.” Zipp answered.

“Not sure either.” Sunset added. “Usually when Izzy does this kind of thing with her Unicycling skills, I just go with the flow.” She finished, something similar when Pinkie Pie is doing something strange, she just let it slide and not question it.

Sparky cooed as he got out of Hitch’s back and walked towards Izzy’s junk mountain. Zipp saw this as she spoke. “Hitch, uh, what’s your dragon doing?” She asked as Sparky started climbing the junk.

Izzy didn’t know see Sparky coming as she grew excited. “This is going to be the best birthday present because I finally have a friend and it’s her birthday!” Izzy cheered as she meant that today is Sunny’s birthday as she levitates a book she stacked and places it somewhere on the pile as her Cutie Mark glows.

Zipp then flew high enough to get a view of what she was seeing as she started recording Izzy and saw her glowing Cutie Mark on her phone. “Huh?” She asked herself, surprised that Izzy’s Cutie Mark is glowing.

Izzy saw Zipp as she waved to her with a smile. “Hi, Zipp!” She cheered, but then her pile started to lose balance. “Woah!” Izzy cried out as her pile was about to fall.

Zipp gasped, seeing that Izzy was gonna get hurt.

Then it revealed that Sparky took out a ball of yarn from the pile as he rolled down with it, which is why the pile starts to lose balance.

The mountain of junk loses balance as it collapses, and Izzy starts falling when she loses her balance as she starts screaming, losing her glasses in the process.

“Izzy!” Sunset cried out worrying as Izzy about to get hurt from her fall.

“No!” Hitch cried out, and then unknowingly to him, his hooves started to glow green as his Earth Pony Magic kicked in on instinct. Hitch saw his earth pony magic kicking in as it dragged him by surprise to Izzy.

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