Chapter 4 Ep 2: Top Remodel

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The Mane 6 at the abandoned Canterlogic Factory where they entered the main room and found a lot of boxes, shelves of forgotten items and more.

As the group looked around Sunny turned to Pipp, "Hey Pipp." She let out a nervous chuckle, "Remind me why we are here again?"

“I asked myself the same question. Why are we in the old Canterlogic building again?” Sunset asked in curiosity as well.

"Yeah, not that it isn't totally cool to be in a freaky empty building is kinda freaky and empty.." Izzy replied before an echo was heard on the word empty as the group came to a stop.

"Empty, empty, empty." Izzy’s voice echoed throughout the whole building..

Izzy gasped. "See I didn't even mean to do that."

"But that's why I love it! It's thrilling!" Pipp quipped cheerfully, spreading her wings, "Can't you just feel the spooky energy in here?"

Hitch came trotting over to Pipp's left with Sparky on his back, "No. Not at all." he said before static was heard making him, Sunny and Izzy yelped in fright before Zipp found an old radio and picked up.

Hitch nervously laughed as Zipp threw it to the side.

“Scared of an old radio, Hitch?” Sunset joked with a chuckle.

"This is ridiculous." Hitch added before taking Sparky in his arms for comfort, "I've been inside Canterlogic millions of times. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Sunny chuckled, "I think Pipp disagrees." Pipp moved an old poster depicting a terrifying pegasus, Pipp screamed a bit before she laughed and fluttered upwards.

"Yep, big time. Mind giving us some contents about why Pipp loves spooky things, Zipp?" Sunset asked Zipp, wanting to know what got Pipp into spooky things in the first place.

"Well Pipp has always had a love for spooky things. One time she convinced our mom that an entire wing of the castle was haunted by royal ghosts." Zipp informed them with a smirk. "Mom still trots the long way around." She added.

"Seriously?" Sunset blinked while Sunny chuckled before Pipp peeked from over a railing as she hung her head upside down.

"Imagine what kind of terrors lurk in all these mysterious corners…" Pipp said as she lowered her head a bit.

"I can't believe we all just forget about this old factory after Sprout and his family shut this place down." Sunny quipped at the forgotten factory.

"It has been almost a year since this place has been used after Ponykind was reunited." Sunset acknowledged. "And after discontinuing the Anti-Unicorn and Pegasi products and after the incident with Sprout’s giant robot, this place hasn't been in working condition ever since."

Izzy rummaged through some boxes and Izzy found a tiny tape, "There's much space in this place." She chirped before echoing. "Place, place, place. That time it was me." She said with a playful smile.

“We can tell, Izzy.” Sunset said with an amusing smirk.

"It's like we all forgot it existed." Hitch concurred

“Well, it has been a really long time and this place had many evil and worthless devices after the unity, so yeah.” Sunset added in agreement.

Pipp then gasped as she hovered over her. "What if we forgot about it because the ghosts wanted us to!" She happily shivered and laughed with joy, "I have shivers!" She added as she flew off.

"Here we go again." Zipp said with a smirk at her sister.

“Pipp, even after the incidents with the Troggles, I don’t think this place is haunted with them.” Sunset pointed out with a chuckle.

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