Chapter 24

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It was evening, the sun was setting down to bring a new ray of hope the next day. Avni was standing in the balcony looking at the sunset. Neil came home from office and Avni seeing his car went down to open the door. She opened the door and Neil just went passing her from the door without sparing her a glance. Avni got confused to see him like that. She went and made coffee for him and went in the room and saw him all freshened and a bit frustrated, working on his laptop with some files on the table.
She went towards him.

Avni: Neil coffee.

Neil: Keep on the table.

Avni: Neil there are files on the table.

Neil(frustrated): Then keep it on my head.

Avni sighs and stood there.

Avni: Neil have it you'll feel relaxed.

Neil(scream): Avni don't you see I am working right now. Why are you troubling me? I don't want your coffee just throw it drink it I don't care.

Avni sees him this way and gets hurted. Without saying anything she leaves the room. She goes in the kitchen and stands there.

Avni(in mind): Avni forget it, he was tensed didn't you see him. He was frustrated about his work. After sometime, he would come saying sorry sorry Avni I am really sorry, please.

Avni chuckles and starts preparing for dinner. Suddenly, she remembered last night's conversation. Neil asking her why she doesn't want to work after marriage and all.

Avni(in mind): Neil, I want to tell you this that I have stress and anxiety problems. And also you Aunt asked me not to work afterall now I am married and have to look after the house.

Avni remembers the day of her marriage when she was getting ready in her room.


Avni was sitting in front of the mirror setting her makeup. A lady entered her room. She looked at her and frowned.

Lady: Hmm, choice is nice by the way.

Avni got confused.

Avni: I am sorry, may I know who are you?

Lady: Ohh you are asking the groom's Bua (father's sister) who are you?

Avni: Ohh I am sorry Buaji.

Lady: No you today's generation just know how to disrespect the elderly people. And what kind of dress are you wearing, didn't Shweta told you that not to have a deep neck and wait, it is also backless. Godd, you today's generation is this a fashion show that you are showing so much of your body. Don't you have brain to get dressed properly.

Avni looks down as not knowing what to answer. She decided to remain quiet.

Lady: Okayy by the way I need to tell you this that now you are getting married so you have to look after your husband, his needs and wants. We have fulfilled all the wishes of our Neil since childhood so you also have to do the same. If he didn't get anything what he wants we can make you leave him or we can break this marriage you get it.

Avni: Excuse me aunty, what are you saying.

Lady: Ohh hello, don't you ever raise your voice on me else I would not take even a second to break this marriage which would not cause any harm to us but would defame your character.

Avni started breathing heavily controlling her breath she stood there. She took her hands back and they were shaking and shivering.

Lady: And in our family, the women doesn't work so you today's generation have a lot of desires to work like the man but you also have to control you emotions got it. A women's work is to just handle the kitchen and the children. The income work is done by the man got it. And also we soon want a heir to our house. Don't ever deny Neil okay. Now I am leaving it's time for marriage. Hope you got what I said.

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