Chapter 10

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Avni was in her room engrossed in the closet deciding her clothes for the evening.

Avni: What should I wear...ummm this saree(picking a black saree) or this gown(picking a navy blue gown). Ughh both the dresses are beautiful and I never wore it till now. Umm okay I think I should wear this black saree okay. But what about Neil, what he will wear? Okay let's find something.

She finds for him a white shirt with black blazer and trousers. She irons her saree and his clothes and keeps it ready for him. She then gets busy in getting ready for the evening. She got ready by 7.

She came and sat in the living area.

Avni: There is still an hour for Neil to come. Let's watch some series till then.

Avni got engaged in watching series. On the other side, Neil is sitting in his cabin reading some file carefully totally lost in it.

Soon the time passes, and it was 5 minutes for 8.

Avni: Neil would be home soon.

She turns of the T.V. and starts scrolling her Instagram. After few minutes she saw the time which showed 8:10. On the other side, Neil is still busy reading his files totally forgetting about the dinner date.

Avni got up and started to roam around the house with her phone in her hand waiting for Neil to come. It was 08:45 when she saw the time. A Fear engulfed her of him not coming.

Avni: Think positive Avni. He must be stuck in some traffic. Yes.

It was 9:30, but Neil was not home still. She called him but it said that his phone is switched off.

Avni: Now done. I am not gonna wait for you more now Neil. I thought that atleast today you have asked for Dinner date yourself so you would come home early but I was wrong. I am a fool that I believed you and got ready . Even your phone is switched off.

Avni was on the verge of crying so she was going to her room when she heard the doorbell ringing.

She opened the door and saw a person holding flowers in his hands hiding the face.

Avni: Yes?

Person: I am sorry Mrs. Khanna.

Avni: Sorry? Why? Who are you?

The person showed his face and it was Neil.

Neil: Forgot your husband.

Avni shocked.

Avni: Neil?

Neil: What you thought that I would not come and forgot about this date. Right? You were thinking that right?

Avni looked at him and shook her head.

Neil: No? Really? By the way, this flowers for you. You liked it?

Avni smiles and took the flowers from him and said.

Avni: Tulips are my favorite.

She was playing with the flowers. Neil looked at her and fall for her again.

Neil: I will change and come. You are ready?

Avni nod her head. Neil was going towards his room but stopped hearing her voice not turning facing her.

Avni: Neil, your clothes are on the bed. Please wear that.

Neil smiles and goes into his room.  After sometime, he came down and Avni stood up seeing him.

Neil: Let's go?

Avni nods and starts walking and Neil is walking behind him. Neil came and sat in the car on the driver seat. Avni was confused and standing out of the car.

Avni(in mind): Where should I sit? Passenger seat or back seat?

Neil: What happened Avni? Come sit.

Avni: Yeah.

Avni was going to sit on the backseat when Neil called her out.

Neil: Hey Avni? Where are you going? I am not your driver okayy I am your husband. Come sit here.

He opened the door of the passenger seat. Avni looked at him and sat in. The drive started. Avni was all quiet because it was all new for her after many months she is going on a drive that too with him. They went together in the earlier months of marriage but only with the family along with them not alone. But now they both were alone and Avni was a little nervous plus excited.

Neil: Avni where are you lost?

Avni: Ummm Nowhere. What were you saying?

Neil: I asked that lets talk means please talk. I don't like a silent ride.

Avni: Okay so what you wanna talk?

Neil: That also I should say? (Neil smile) what you did today whole day alone.

Avni: Nothing just selection of dresses took me a 4-5 hours.

Neil: Ohh really why?

Avni: Because...I wanted to look good.

Neil: You are already beautiful. Anything you wear suits you.

Avni: Yeah but I wanted to look good with.. with you. I mean I should be able to match you so..

Avni looked out of the window and Neil saw her and smiled as how she was enjoying the cold wind touching her face.

Avni: You know Neil, before our marriage I use to go on solo trips, treks with my friends to explore the nature.

Neil: Why didn't you go after our marriage then.

Avni smile disappears. She looked down. Neil understood the silence and storm from her expression and got to why she didn't go.

Neil: We reached. Come.

Neil parked the car and both went inside the hotel. Avni got confused to see the whole restaurant empty. They both were moving but then she hold his hands from the elbow and stopped him. Neil looked at her and asked.

Neil: What happened?

Avni: Neil I guess the restaurant is closed. See no one is here.

Neil chuckles and looks at lovingly and Avni also saw when she heard him chuckling and looked at him. Both had an eye contact.

To be continued......


Do suggest me if you want to add some AvNeil scenes which you wish to see.

Enjoy reading.

Love Love.

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