Chapter Seventy-Six: Going to Seattle

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"Road trip, road trip," Kim shouted bouncing up and down moving towards the car, she grinned as Jared carried her suitcase over and popped it into the back of the car for her.

Fiona grinned leaning against the side of the car while she talked with Jacob, she had dropped Austin off at Billy's and she was sure he would be able to keep an eye on her son until Leah picked him up later on.

"Are you sure that you'll be okay?" Sophia asked balancing Mia on her hip, she was a little worried about leaving her daughter alone for a couple of days.

Paul chuckled and nodded his head, he kissed his girlfriend knowing that he would be fine with Mia until her father picked her up; he enjoyed spending time with the little girl and Sophia deserved a break.

"Of course... Jason is picking Mia up at three and I know her routine," Paul reassured Sophia, he gently lifted the little girl up out of her mother's arms and cuddled her close; he smiled at Sophia knowing that she had to leave soon.

Paul wasn't looking forward to spending the weekend away from his imprint but he would have to cope since Sophia deserved a break and with Bella's wedding coming up things would only get stressful again in a couple of months.

"Sophia... everything will be fine, go and enjoy yourself," Paul murmured moving to kiss his girlfriend, he wanted her to have a good time and he would speak to her every night while she was gone.

Sophia smiled softly hugging her boyfriend and daughter, she was hopeful that everything was going to be okay while she was gone; she didn't want any more drama before they needed it.

"Time to go," Fiona called not wanting to be late, they had reservations to keep and the drive was going to take time; she smiled at Jacob knowing this weekend would be fun.


"So what is on the itinerary for this weekend?" Emily asked peeking back at Fiona who was chatting to Kim in the back seat, there was music playing softly in the background and they were all completely relaxed.

Fiona grinned moving to get her plan from her bag, she had spent days planning out what they were going to do and she had left a copy with the boys in case they needed to get a hold of them.

"We have dinner reservations tonight after we check in, tomorrow we are going sight-seeing, Sunday we are going shopping since Soph needs a dress, then Monday we travel back," Fiona replied reading out her short list, it wasn't much but she was sure that they would find more to do.

The four would only be gone for four days but they were curious to find out how their spouses would cope without them; they knew the imprinting was strong and they had never been apart before.

"Any idea what sort of dress you want for the wedding?" Kim asked peeking at Sophia, everyone in Forks and La Push was talking about Bella's impending wedding to Edward; most had received invites and it was clear that the Cullens were slashing the cash for the big day.

"I'm not sure... nothing too long and not pink or purple," Sophia replied with a shrug, she was sure that she'd find the perfect dress while they were in Seattle since they had more of a choice there than they would have in Port Angeles.

The four friends were quiet for a moment, Bella's choice hung over them all and they knew in a couple of months they would be going to her funeral after she had been turned into a vampire.

"I wonder how they'll fake her death," Emily mused softly knowing that they'd have to make sure that the coffin was nailed shut and that Charlie knew that Bella was dead; he would search the world for her if there was a chance that Bella was alive.

Sophia swallowed and closed her eyes, she didn't really want to think about what Bella was going to do; she could only imagine how Charlie would react to his daughter's apparent death.

"Let's not talk about that," Fiona said trying to change the subject, she could see that Sophia was a little upset about it and it wasn't going to be easy when Bella went through with her plan.

Charlie and Renee were going to be forced to grieve for a daughter who wasn't truly dead, Bella would live the rest of her life as a vampire without having to worry about her parents.

Sophia took a deep breath, her blue eyes staring out of the car window as the forest moved by; she had no idea how they were going to cope when Bella became a vampire but she doubted her cousin was going to make it easy.

"It'll be okay," Emily murmured resting her hand on Sophia's knee for a moment in comfort, what Bella was doing was selfish but the entire pack was going to be there to make sure that Charlie would be okay.

Kim and Fiona shared a look, things were going to be hard and this break was going to be the only one that they had before everything picked up again.


"Hi... we have a reservation under Ashton," Fiona said to the receptionist as she pulled out the confirmation form, she smiled glad that they had finally arrived and she couldn't wait to get up to their hotel room.

The receptionist looked over her glasses at Fiona and nodded her head, she typed something on the computer before she moved to get the keys for the hotel rooms.

"You're in rooms 329 and 331, welcome to Hotel Andra," the receptionist said smiling, she handed the keys over to Fiona before turning back to her work on the computer.

Fiona grinned handing one of the keys to Emily, they had paired up for the stay with Emily and Kim sharing a room while Fiona and Sophia shared the other; it was going to be a wonderful weekend and nothing was going to take that away from them.

The four friends headed for the elevator pulling their suitcases behind them, they were a little tired after their drive up from La Push and wanted to relax and freshen up before they went to dinner.

"I can't believe we are here," Kim gushed excitedly pushing the button to their floor, they had opted for city-side bedrooms since they doubted they would be spending much time in the hotel when they had Seattle to explore.

"I know right... I almost thought the boys would call us back," Fiona laughed smiling, she could only imagine what Jacob was doing right now and she was sure he would manage without her for a couple of days.

Sophia laughed nodding, she was sure the pack would miss their cooking and a break would teach them to cope without them; she could only imagine what the pack would do for food while they were gone.

Emily grinned, she had left Sam a couple of meals to put him over while she was away but she had a feeling they weren't going to last long; the pack could eat anyone out of house and home without trying.

The elevator binged as it reached their floor and the four climbed out before starting to search for their rooms, they weren't going to go home unless an emergency occurred and they were sure that nothing big would happen before Bella's wedding.

The four women could only hope that their holiday was going to go off without a hitch, they didn't want any supernatural problems popping up.

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