Chapter Fifty-Three: Calming Down

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Sophia watched Fiona as she handed her some coffee, she could see her friend was still in shock and she didn't blame her after what had happened.

Jacob was sat quietly at her side while she sipped on her drink, he refused to leave her while she was like this and Sophia knew it would help.

Sophia rolled her eyes hearing Jason arguing with someone in the kitchen, he was being kept away from the other imprints since there was a worry that he would make things worse with Fiona.

"So you're a werewolf," Fiona murmured finally turning to Jacob prepared to deal with what she had seen; she was still a little freaked out at seeing her new boyfriend could turn into a very large wolf.

Jacob nodded his head smiling a little at Fiona, he knew that it was a start and it was a step in the right direction for them; not everyone was going to be like Bella who just accepted all of this.

"A few lucky members of the tribe have the gene. If a bloodsucker moves into town, then the fever sets in.," Jacob explained shrugging knowing that he was glad she was just speaking to him right now.

Fiona was a smart girl and she deserved to know everything about him that was the reason that he had decided to tell her what was going on.

Sophia squeezed her friend's shoulder smiling at her, Fiona would be fine with Jacob; the blonde knew that Leah was the one that needed help right now since Jason was still wanting to leave with her and Mia.

Fiona watched Sophia leave and chewed on her lip, she doubted that her friend would be involved in any of this if it wasn't safe.

Jacob smiled watching at his imprint, he hoped that Fiona was okay with being allow with him; he would answer any of her questions about all of this.


"We need to leave," Jason demanded again as Sophia walked back into the kitchen, she moved to stand next to Paul who was leaning against the counter; he couldn't believe that she was okay with all of this.

Sophia rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, she knew that someone seriously needed to do something about him.

"And I have told you, me and Mia aren't going anywhere," Sophia replied as Paul held her close, she smiled when he pressed a kiss to the top of her head as Jason scowled at her words.

Leah stared at her imprint knowing that this wasn't what she had expected but she had to remember that he wasn't brought up around all of this; she was a little disappointed with him right now.

"La Push is safer than anywhere else around," Sophia said trying to reason with Jason, she knew of the trouble that bubbled in Seattle and it made her nervous since she suspected that Victoria was behind it.

Paul nodded watching Jason pace around the kitchen, he wasn't going to allow the other man to take his imprint and her daughter away from the reservation; he could only imagine how bad things would get.

Leah sat quietly as she watched her imprint, she was growing tired of his behaviour and there was no way that she could put up with this.

"We aren't the bad guys here... we are protectors and if you don't like it then you can leave," Leah snapped pushing herself out of her seat, she glared at her imprint for a moment before she stormed out of the house not looking back.

The room was completely quiet in Leah's wake as Jason stared after his girlfriend, he blinked a little taken back that she had just walked away from him like that.

Sophia snorted in amusement, Jason had always liked to get his own way and this was no different; he was always going to be a bit of a spoilt brat and moving to Forks had been an eye opener for him.

"I would go after her if I were you," Sophia mused with a small smile, she knew that Jason would expect Leah to come back to him if he wanted long enough but this time it wouldn't work.

The she-wolf was nothing like the girls that had been back in New York and certainly wouldn't come crawling back while Jason waited for her.

"She's not coming back Jace," Sophia murmured remembering all of the times they'd had a fight and she'd been the one to go back to him after the fights; she knew that Leah certainly wasn't going to come back.

Jason frowned at Sophia's words as Paul nodded his head, he was could see that everyone was thinking the same thing but he wasn't sure if he wanted to be alone with the she-wolf.

The entire room stared at Jason for a moment before he huffed and walked out of the house to go after his girlfriend; he didn't like admitting that he was wrong. 


Sophia smiled watching Fiona with Jacob, she was really happy for her friend and she knew that Jacob was going to look after her after everything that Fiona had been through.

Paul wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close, he closed his eyes wishing for a moment that this was how the blonde had found out about him.

"Do you wish things had been easier for us?" Paul asked opening his brown eyes and looked down at his girlfriend; he knew that Victoria's attack had been while she had found out about him early.

Sophia looked up at Paul and shook her head, she wouldn't change anything about them and that included how she discovered he was a wolf.

"I wouldn't change a moment," Sophia said turning to face Paul, she smiled up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Sophia felt so content with her life, she really didn't care about the small bumps that was there; she was happy and that was all that mattered to her right now.

"I love you," Sophia murmured pulling back a little from Paul, her blue eyes looking up at him as she offered him a small smile; she wasn't sure just how much would happen in the future but she wasn't going to leave. 

"Love you too," Paul said pressing another kiss to Sophia's lips, he was happy that he had an imprint like her; she evened him out and he knew he was lucky to have her in his life.

Sophia rested her head against Paul's, she couldn't shake the feeling that Bella was going to bring the pack more trouble; she didn't know what it was but her cousin seemed to have a knack for it.

"Soph... I'm heading home with Jake now," Fiona said approaching her friend, she smiled as she laced her fingers with Jacob's as she smiled at him.

Fiona was still in awe of what she had discovered today and she hoped that she would be able to handle everything that was going to be thrown at her now she was a member of the pack.

Sophia pulled away from Paul and nodded her head at Fiona, she was glad that things had worked out and she hoped Leah would be able to sort things out with Jason.

"I'll see you at home then," Sophia said smiling at her friend, Paul wrapped his arm around the blonde as he nodded at Jacob; he knew the beta owed Sophia an apology as well as one hell of a thank you for what she had done for him.

Fiona and Jacob walked out of Emily's home with Austin, things weren't going to be simple but they were a lot easier now that Fiona knew about the pack; she was never going to be alone again. 

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