Chapter Sixty-Six: The Waiting Game

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Sophia bounced her knee staring at the clock, she hated clock watching but she didn't know what else to do; she felt on edge knowing that the battle would be starting at any moment now.

Seth, Collin and Brady were all outside, they were patrolling around the house to make sure none of the vampires made a break for the imprints and couldn't kill them.

"We need to do something," Fiona said looking at Sophia, they were all going to go insane if they just sat around and waited for the pack to come home; Jason was quite happy to watch sports but they all needed to do something to keep their minds off what was happening.

Sophia crossed her arms looking at her friend, Fiona was right but she didn't know what; she sighed glaring at the clock for a moment.

Kim was picking at the table, she feared for Jared and everyone else felt the same; there was tension in the air and it felt like at any moment that something could snap.

"Why don't we cook some dinner... the boys will be starving when they get home," Fiona announced standing up and looking at Emily, she peeked at her son knowing that this wasn't going to be easy.

Fiona was just as worried as the other women, but they needed to do something; they couldn't just sit around and pretend that everything was okay, they needed a distraction.

"We could do a three course meal?" Fiona suggested trying to get the others to agree, there were four imprints excluding Jason and she was sure they could pull a meal like that off especially with the boys away.

Sophia nodded her head in agreement, she wouldn't be in the mood to cook later on and she knew Paul would be hungry; she looked at Kim who was also nodding her head in agreement.

Emily stood silently for a moment, she was a little unsure about Fiona's new boost in confidence; it was something that she had noticed of late and she felt a little threatened.

Sam was the pack's alpha and Jacob was the beta, however the position was Jacob's and that meant that Fiona was meant to be the leader of the imprints.

Emily was used to being the one who did everything for the pack, her home was always opened and she was sure that the boys would always come to her.

"Let's do it... it's not like there is anything else that we can do," Kim agreed getting to her feet, she smiled at Fiona as she past her knowing that this was the best idea that she had heard.

Sophia followed after them as she peeked over at Mia and Austin who were happily playing together; she smiled knowing that everything would be fine.

Emily quickly pulled out some of her recipe books, she smiled wondering what they could make; this was certainly would cheer them up and she doubted that anything could go bad.

Even if no one wanted to eat here in her home, Emily was sure that they could divide up the food and take it home with them to enjoy.

"Okay... let's decided what we are going to make," Emily said as the four gathered together, they were sure that everything would be fine and everyone was going to come home in one piece.


Seth whimpered settling down outside of the Emily's home, he was disappointed that he hadn't been able to fight in the battle; Sam had made it clear that it wasn't going to happen and Leah had told him that he would be fine back on the reservation with Collin and Brady.

Seth perked his ears knowing that the battle was happening right now, everything seemed to be going well and everyone was focused on what was happening around them.

Love Comes from Unexpected PlacesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora