Chapter Fifty-Six: Cousin Trouble

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Sophia grumbled hearing someone banging on her front door, she didn't know who was calling at her home at this hour of the morning but it had better be important.

It had been two days since the Victoria incident and the pack were still furious that Emmett had nearly come onto tribal land; it had meant that the red head leech had been able to escape again.

Wrapping her dressing gown around her, Sophia opened her front door and frowned as she stared at Bella wondering what she was doing outside of her home.

"What are you doing here?" Sophia asked knowing this wasn't a social call, she barely spoke to her cousin and she knew that whatever Bella wanted wasn't going to be pleasant.

Bella stared at her cousin for a moment before she pushed her way into the house, she looked around in disgust before she moved towards the living room.

Sophia stared after Bella furious that she thought that this was okay, she doubted calling the police would do much good since they would just send Charlie to sort this out.

"Excuse me?" Sophia called following after her cousin, she was growing more certain that her Aunt Renee had dropped Bella on her head as a child repeatedly.

Bella huffed standing in living room, her brown eyes looking around as if she expected to find something or someone; she gritted her teeth as she turned to her cousin.

"Where is he?" Bella demanded glaring at the blonde, she knew that Sophia knew where Jacob was and she had heard rumours around town that he had shacked up with Mike Newton's baby mama.

Bella had been trying for weeks to get a hold of Jacob, but he had been avoiding her calls since she had been grounded and now that Charlie had released her because of good behaviour she wanted her best friend back. 

"He who?" Sophia asked crossing her arms, it was barely seven in the morning and the blonde was in no mood to deal with her cousin; Paul was still asleep upstairs having not long come in from patrol and Mia was waiting for her breakfast.

Sophia turned on her heel and walked away knowing that whatever Bella wanted could wait, she needed to feed Mia and her cousin wasn't that important especially since she was meant to be at school right now since she had a month to graduation.

"Jacob... I know he's been spending time with that friend of yours," Bella snapped following after Sophia, she couldn't believe that her cousin was playing innocent in all of this; it was all her fault anyway since Fiona was her friend.

Jacob deserved so much better than someone else's leftovers and he didn't need to be tied down with someone who already had a kid because she couldn't keep her legs closed.

"He's not here," Sophia murmured picking up Mia's bottle and testing it, she glanced back at Bella wondering why she couldn't see that Jacob didn't want her anymore.

Bella stared at her unbelieving knowing that he had to be here, she had already tried Billy's and he had slammed the door in her face; Jacob would have never allowed him to do that if he was there.

Fiona padded into the kitchen with Austin, the little boy wanting his own breakfast as she cuddled him close and spared only a glance at Bella.

"You... you stole Jake from me, you whore," Bella snapped furiously turning on Fiona, she didn't know what her Jacob saw in the other woman but she certainly wasn't going to last long.

Bella was certain that when she showed Jacob that she was back that he would come running, he always would and Edward was waiting for her back in Forks. 

Sophia stared at her cousin and shook her head, she had no idea what Bella hoped to gain from this especially when she was with Edward anyway.

Fiona snorted amused setting Austin in his high chair, whatever Bella was doing at their home was probably not even that important; it was early and Jacob was just finishing patrol before he headed to school.

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