Chapter Eighteen: Teens with Tots

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Sophia took a deep breath climbing out of her car and looked towards the old community centre, she hated that she felt so nervous about this. 

Sophia moved to collect Mia from her seat knowing that she couldn't be late, she had promised Charlie that she would come to at least one meeting to see if she liked it. 

Sophia cooed at her daughter as she picked her up and cuddled her close for a moment knowing that she was stalling; she sighed knowing that she couldn't waste any more time. 

Sophia was trying to keep things calm for her uncle, she was growing annoyed with Bella's increasingly odd and selfish behaviour. 

Sophia couldn't help but worry for her cousin even if she was being a cow right now to her; she was convinced that her cousin needed professional help. 

Sophia took a deep breath walking towards the community centre, she didn't think that she was an expert on teenagers especially since she was one herself; however there was just something odd about her cousin and she didn't like it. 

Stepping into the community centre and looked around, she chewed on her lip nervously; she didn't even know why she was so nervous especially since these teenagers were going to be like her. 

"Excuse me... I'm here for Teens with Tots," Sophia said softly approaching a woman sat at a desk, she looked at Mia knowing that she had nothing to be nervous about. 

The receptionist pursed her lips as she pushed her glasses up her nose and stared down it at Sophia and her daughter in disgust; she wrinkled her nose in repulsion at another teenager mother in her town.

"It's this way," said a voice from behind Sophia, she turned to look at who was spoken only to find a teenager holding a five month old boy in her arms.

Sophia nodded her head as she glanced at the receptionist who had already gone back to her work as if Sophia hadn't even spoken to her. 

Sophia quickly walked over to the other teenager and offered her a small smile, she couldn't believe how nervous she felt about all of this; she wondered if she was turning into Bella or something. 

"I'm Fiona and this is Austin," the other teenager said with a cheerful smile, she knew how daunting it could be and she was glad she had bumped into Sophia first before she saw the other teenagers that came to these meetings. 

"Sophia and Mia," Sophia replied finding herself smiling back at Fiona, the brunette had a very cheerful disposition and it made Sophia feel more at ease at coming to the meeting. 

Fiona nodded her head before she signalled for Sophia to follow her, she was glad that she finally had someone to talk to; a lot of the teenagers that came to these meetings weren't pleasant and she felt lonely. 

"So where are you from?" Fiona asked walking in step with Sophia, the blonde had a bit of an accent that she hadn't heard before and she knew there was no way that Sophia was originally from Forks. 

"New York," Sophia said with a shrug, she didn't really care that she wasn't born in the town especially since she felt more at home in Forks with her uncle than she had ever done in New York with her parents.


"Is it always like this?" Sophia asked quietly sitting with Mia on her lap, she looked at Fiona who was sat beside her; the two were sat quietly in the corner away from the other teen mother's that were there. 

Sophia tried not to stare at the other teenagers knowing that it would only led to trouble, these weren't the sort of women that Sophia wanted to get on the wrong side of. 

Fiona nodded her head knowing what her new friend was talking about, the other teenagers were messing with their phones and gathered in a circle on the other side of the room; they weren't even paying attention to their children who were a lot older than Mia and Austin. 

"Yep," Fiona replied smiling at Sophia, she had been coming to these meetings for a few weeks at her mother's insistence; she wouldn't allow her to stop coming so Fiona often sat in a corner alone with Austin until she was picked up again. 

"Well maybe we should do something else... maybe meet up for coffee?" Sophia suggested smiling at Fiona sat beside of her, she was glad that she had meet Fiona since it meant that she finally had someone to talk to.

Fiona blinked staring at Sophia a little surprised that the blonde wanted to spend time with her; she didn't have any friends since they had all turned her back on her when she'd had her son. 

"Really?" Fiona asked eagerly peeking down at Austin, she was going to need a true friend right now; she was alone and had been since she had dropped out of school. 

Fiona had been attending Forks High School until she had fallen pregnant and then she had been shunned; she had dropped out around the time that Bella sunk into her depression.

"Of course... I'm tired of being lonely," Sophia replied with a shrug as she thought about her life, she really didn't have much going on and she could see why Charlie had wanted her to come to these meetings.


"We're home," Sophia called stepping into the house with Mia in her arms, she had plans to meet with Fiona over the weekend and they would head up to Port Angeles for the day. 

Sophia smiled spotting Charlie lounging on the couch as she brushed some hair from her face, he was watching some sport by the sounds of it; she was glad that not much had changed while she had been out. 

"How was it?" Charlie asked muting the match and looking at Sophia, he knew that Bella was in the kitchen making dinner and seemed annoyed about something. 

Charlie had asked but had only gotten his head chewed off as a thanks so he guessed it was that time of the month; she had been a little snappy recently. 

"It was okay... I made a friend," Sophia replied with a smile, she looked down at Mia knowing that it was nearly time for a nap time; she could already tell that the two month old was starting to get a little grumpy. 

Charlie smiled sitting up and looked at Sophia properly, he was pleased to hear that the blonde had someone to hang out with; he really didn't know what was going on with Bella but she wasn't the right sort of company. 

"We're going up to Port Angeles on Saturday," Sophia continued with a nod, her uncle would be happy that she had plans; it saved her sitting home alone all day until he came home or Bella decided to be in. 

Charlie nodded his head as Bella walked into the room, he looked at her as she completely ignored Sophia; he didn't know what was going on but it was best if he stayed out of it. 

"Do you need anything?" Charlie asked looking back at Sophia, her parents were paying for her card right now but he didn't mind giving her money if she needed it. 

Sophia shook her head as she smiled at her uncle, she couldn't ask him to do that especially since he had Bella to worry about. 

Sophia was considering talking to him about maybe sending her cousin to a therapist since she clearly needed some help; she didn't want any more trouble and she hoped Bella got over whatever was currently bothering her.

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