Chapter Twenty-Nine: Goodbye Harry Clearwater

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Sophia sighed crossing her arms as she watched her uncle leave another furious message for Bella on her mobile as he had been doing since she disappeared with Alice the day before. 

Sophia was wearing a black pencil dress in texture paired with black heels, she felt a little odd without Mia in her arms but she had left the infant with a neighbour since she couldn't bring her to the funeral. 

"Phia," Paul murmured stopping next to his imprint, he glanced over at Charlie who was pacing back and forth feeling a little sorry for him. 

Sophia smiled looking at Paul, she had to admit that she liked when Paul called her that; everyone else called her Soph so it was nice that he had his own nickname for her. 

"How is he?" Paul asked standing beside his imprint, all of the pack were around and he felt a little better now that he could see Sophia for himself. 

It hadn't been enough for him to send Jacob to check on her, he had hated that Sam wouldn't allow him near Sophia or Mia while the Cullen had been around. 

"Furious," Sophia murmured continuing to watch her uncle, she felt her stomach twist knowing that when Bella came back then there was going to be trouble. 

Sophia had no doubt that when her cousin returned to Forks that she wouldn't be alone; there was a very strong chance that all of the Cullens would be coming back with her. 

"Have you heard anything?" Paul asked carefully knowing that the entire pack were waiting to see what would happened; they really didn't like how Bella had just taken off like that with Alice. 

Sophia shook her head offering Paul a small smile, she moved closer to him as she spotted the hearse pulling up knowing that this was it. 


"I'm sorry for your loss," Sophia whispered looking at Sue, she really wasn't sure what else she could say as she stood beside her uncle. 

Sophia had thought that the service was beautiful and she could only wish that there was some way to bring Harry back. 

Leah was stood away from her family and looked completely lost, she was staring down at her hands in a beautiful black dress with no one approaching her to offer her words of comfort. 

Seth was stood beside his mother attempting to comfort her, the last few days had been trying for the family and it had been ripped apart by the sudden loss of Harry. 

"Thank you," Sue replied softly offering Sophia a weak smile, she glanced back at her daughter knowing that Leah blamed herself for what had happened to her father; she wanted nothing more than to ease her mind. 

Sue would never blame her daughter for what had happened, Leah hadn't meant to phase and they hadn't even realised that it was possible for women to phase. 

Leah had been hurting for so long after Sam had broken up with her for Emily and now that she knew why it still didn't ease her broken heart especially with the sudden loss of her father. 

"If you need anything," Sophia said knowing that she would do whatever she could to help, she knew that there wasn't much that she could do but she wanted to offer anyway. 

Sue nodded her head looking at Charlie, this was hard on him and he was currently dealing with his daughter's decision to disappear without saying a word to him and the loss of his best friend. 

"How you holding up Charlie?" Sue asked knowing he had been one of Harry's best friends, he had grown up with Harry and now he was gone much too soon.

"I've been better," Charlie said offering Sue a small smile, he still couldn't believe that he had just buried his best friend; he was still expecting Harry to call him and invite him fishing. 

Sue nodded her head moving to give Charlie a comforting hug, she held him close for a moment glad that her husband had, had a friend like him when he had been alive. 

Sophia chewed on her lips nervously as she glanced over at Leah, she knew that she was going to regret this but she wanted to make sure that the she-wolf was okay; she had noticed that everyone was avoiding her including the pack. 

"I'm going to speak with Leah," Sophia said brushing some hair from her face, she spotted the look on Sue and Seth's face knowing that they were a little surprised at her words. 

No one wanted to go anywhere near Leah since she had been pretty angry lately and she was a tough person to get along with after all that had happened to her. 

Sophia slipped away from her uncle and carefully approached Leah knowing that this probably wasn't going to be pleasant. 

"How are you doing?" Sophia asked awkwardly stopping beside Leah, her blue eyes looking at the she-wolf concerned as she crossed her arms; she really wasn't in the mood for a fight today and she hoped that Leah wasn't going to start one with her. 

Leah's head snapped up looking at the blonde before her, she recognised her as Charlie's niece and couldn't help but scowl at the thought of having her speak to her. 

"Shouldn't you be with your leech-loving cousin?" Leah snapped glaring at Sophia, she didn't want the blonde's pity and she certainly didn't want Sophia around her while she grieved for her father when all of this was her cousin's fault. 

"She's gone to rescue her leech," Sophia replied watching Leah as she recalled what she had heard about her, Leah was angry at the world right now and the blonde didn't blame her. 

Leah stared at Sophia for a moment, none of her new pack brothers would be coming to comfort her; she could already see Paul watching her warily at her closeness to his imprint. 

"Listen I don't want your pity," Leah said pushing herself to her feet, she felt her chest tighten knowing that she was all alone and she had felt like this a lot recently. 

Sophia was only reminding her of what she had lost to her own cousin, she really didn't want to spend time around any of the imprints; she just wanted to be left alone so that she could grieve for her father. 

"Good because you don't have it," Sophia replied knowing that pity wasn't what Leah needed right now, she needed someone to talk to; someone that would listen and not judge her for what had happened. 

Sophia wasn't sure if she was that person but she was willing to give it again, she hated to see Leah ostracized just because of how she felt and what she was. 

"If you ever need someone to unload to... give me a call," Sophia offered before she turned and walked away, she headed back to her uncle knowing that she didn't want to out stay her welcome with Leah; the she-wolf would only lash out if she did. 

Paul was quickly by her side making sure that she was okay, Leah had only been a wolf for two days now and she had anger problems that matched his in many ways; the last thing he wanted was for Sophia to get hurt. 

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Paul asked looking at Sophia, he knew that he wouldn't get much of a chance to see her if the Cullens returned with Bella and he wanted to at least spend some time with his imprint before then. 

Sophia paused turning to Paul wondering what he had in mind, the blonde was going to spend the day with Mia since she didn't have any assignments due in yet. 

"I was wondering if I could spend the day with you and Mia," Paul said hoping that this would be okay, he wanted to get to know more about his imprint and her daughter while he had the chance.

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