Chapter Forty-One: Fiona's Story

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"It was a drunken accident at some stupid party my friends dragged me to," Fiona said softly clutching at her coffee, her hands wrapped tightly around the mug as she looked at her son. 

They had left the diner and gone back to Sophia's house after the confrontation with Mike, Sophia not wanting to be anywhere near the creep and wanting to make sure that her best friend was okay. 

Sophia hadn't been expecting her to tell her what was going on especially after her confession that Mike Newton was Austin's father; it wasn't what she had been expecting to hear. 

"They disappeared quickly after we had arrived and I was left alone, I just sat in the corner slipping on my drink," Fiona whispered knowing how stupid she had been, it was a high school party and of course someone would spike the pinch. 

Fiona chewed on her lip thinking quietly as she tried to recall what had happened; it was all so blearily in her mind and she knew that this was the first time she had told anyone what had happened. 

"I didn't realise that someone had spiked all the drinks with alcohol, it was my first time at a house party and I wasn't even meant to be there," Fiona said looking down at her drink, her parents had never let her forget that she had lied to them and gone to that party. 

Fiona had never been allowed to go to parties because her parents had feared that she was too naïve and would let people take advantage of her; something that had been proven right when she had found out that she was pregnant. 

"I'm not quite sure what happened next... it's all blearily but I do know that I woke up naked next to Mike the next morning," Fiona murmured not wanting to go into detail about what had happened. 

Sophia sat quietly listening to her friend talk, she was doing her best to stay calm because right now all Fiona needed was for someone to listen to her. 

Sophia couldn't help but feel that there was something missing, something just didn't add up to her and she had a feeling that Mike had the answers. 

"He told me not to tell anyone about what had happened between us then he left," Fiona said swallowed remembering how ill she had felt, she couldn't but feel that she had made a massive mistake and she had been forced to walk home to her furious parents. 

Her friends hadn't even bothered to cover for her and had she had been grounded for weeks for going to that party. 

"Two months later, I found that I was pregnant with Austin," Fiona said smiling at her son, she wouldn't trade him for the world and she was glad that she had him out of this whole experience. 

Sophia nodded her head, it was a strange moment to find out that you were sixteen and pregnant; she'd had so many emotions when she had took her test and Jason had been right there beside her when she did it. 

"I told Mike first... he was the father since he was the only person that I had been with," Fiona continued looking away from her son, she felt her heart ache as she recalled how he had reacted to the news that he was going to be a father. 

Sophia sipped on her coffee waiting for Fiona to continue, it must have been hard and she could only guess that Mike's reaction wasn't the best. 

"He was so angry with me, told be to abort Austin and I couldn't... he was my baby," Fiona whispered closing her eyes, tears filled them as she thought about what could have been if she had done what Mike had wanted. 

Sophia reached across the table and took her best friend's hand, they were in the same boat and knew that her parents had wanted her to do the same to Mia.

"I then told my parents and they were so disappointed in me, they wanted me to give him up but I refused," Fiona murmured taking a shaky breath, she opened her eyes and looked over at Austin knowing that she wished that her parents had been a little more supportive and she wished that Mike had done more for her. 

Sophia just sat quietly as she squeezed her friend's hand in comfort, she was just going to be there for her as she continued to talk knowing that Fiona had been silent for long enough. 

"Mike threatened me into secrecy so you are the only one who knows that he is Austin's father," Fiona said swallowing, Mike's popularity was more important to him than anything and the last thing that he ever wanted was to be a teenage father. 

The two were silent as Fiona's words settled around them, they were completely unaware that someone was hovering at the kitchen door listening to them talk.


Sophia sighed walking into her bedroom and closed the door behind her, her minds filled with the story that Fiona had told her; she couldn't believe how cruel some people could be especially over small mistakes. 

It was some similar and so different from her own story about how she had fallen pregnant with Mia and it made her wonder if this was a common thing in the world. 

"You okay?" Paul asked looking at his girlfriend, he had not long arrived and he could see that she was lost in her thoughts. 

Mia was sleeping soundly and Paul had been watching her sleep while he waited for his girlfriend arrive from the bathroom, she hadn't been done to La Push that day and it had something to do with Fiona. 

Sophia jumped a little surprised, she hadn't been expecting him and had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't even realised that he was in the room; she blushed knowing that she should have realised that he was there. 

"Sorry," Paul said amused as he moved away from checking on Mia, he had hoped she'd have come down to Emily's for dinner but there had been no sign of her and he had worried.

Sophia nodded her head running her fingers through her damp hair, she'd been so lost in her thoughts that she couldn't even remember if she had conditioned her hair when she had been washing it or shampooed twice. 

"Phia?" Paul questioned pulling his imprint into his arms, she seemed a little distracted and he didn't like it; he could just tell that something big had happened while he was on patrol. 

Sophia sighed wrapping her arms around his waist, she was suddenly glad that she had Paul and that Jacob had imprinted on Fiona. 

"It's nothing, just something Fiona told me," Sophia replied softly, she couldn't divulge her friend's secret that she had been sworn to secrecy about. 

Paul eyed his imprint concerned there was something she wasn't telling him, he sighed wishing that women weren't all this complicated. 

Sophia watched her boyfriend, he didn't quite believe her but until Fiona was ready to tell anyone about Mike being Austin's father then there was little that she could do but keep the secret. 

"It doesn't look like nothing," Paul said making Sophia look at him, he knew that he didn't like the fact that she was keeping something from him. 

Sophia pressed a quick kiss to his lips wanting to ease his mind and trust her, if this situation got dangerous then she would tell him in a heartbeat but until then she would keep Fiona's secret. 

Paul grumbled knowing that Sophia wasn't going to tell him and he just hoped that it wasn't something that was going to endanger her or Mia in anyway.

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