Chapter Sixty-Seven: Carlisle Reveals All

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Sophia brushed some hair out of her face, her blue eyes looking up at Billy's home as she waited with the pack for Carlisle to finish working on Jacob; they could hear his pain-filled screams from outside the house.

Fiona and Billy looked drained listening to what was happening inside the house, they couldn't believe that this was happening and they cursed Bella for the trouble that she had caused.

Paul wrapped his arms around Sophia and cuddled her, he closed his eyes hating what was happening; no one deserved what had happened and now Jacob was suffering.

"It's almost over," Paul whispered attempting to comfort his girlfriend, he hated that this had happened and now they were all waiting to hear if Jacob was okay.

Carlisle had only turned up a little while ago after treating Bella, none of the pack had been interested to hear that she had fractured her right wrist, broken her right arm broken as well as some fractured ribs.

"If Jacob hadn't gotten involved I would have been fine," Leah said shaking her head, she could have handled the newborn and this wouldn't have happened if Jacob wouldn't have got involved.

Leah hated feeling guilty about what had happened, she peeked at Fiona who moved to stand next to Billy to comfort him; this wasn't easy on anyone.

Billy offered Fiona a weak smile, they doubted that it would be long before Bella showed up; Charlie wouldn't be able to stop her if she was determined to come and see Jacob.

The pack was mostly silent while they listened a little while longer as Carlisle continued to work on Jacob with Sam; they all really hoped that this was going to be over soon.

Finally after what seemed like forever it was silent, a collective sigh of relief filled the air as they realised that Carlisle was done resetting Jacob's bones after they had healed wrong.

Sophia pulled back from Paul as Carlisle stepped out of the house with Sam, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as he looked at her for a moment before he turned to look at Billy.

"The worst is over, he'll be all right. I gave him some morphine but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up the drip," Carlisle said softly, he felt bad for what had happened and he could see that they were all worried about Jacob.

Carlisle hadn't approved of Alice's lie and he had a feeling that the pack wouldn't be happy if they were ever to learn that she had lied to them; however there was one person here that deserved to know the truth.

"Thank you," Billy said nodding gratefully, he didn't like the Cullens and he never would but he was grateful for what Carlisle had done for his son.

Fiona sighed in relief, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders as she realised that everything was going to be okay; she felt Billy take her hand knowing things would get better.

Carlisle slowly moved towards his car, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had and guilt seemed to be eating at him because they had allowed Sophia to believe that she was a target.

Paul moved over to Sam to see if there was anything that needed doing, leaving Sophia alone for a moment; she crossed her arms relieved that Jacob would be okay.

"I'm sorry," Carlisle said softly stopping near Sophia, he swallowed peeking at the wolves knowing that he didn't want to cause any problems.

Sophia frowned looking at him, she didn't know why but he looked incredibly guilty; she doubted that this was just because Jacob had been hurt helping his family fight the newborn army.

"About what?" Sophia asked staring at Carlisle, she didn't trust the vampire and she would never do so no matter what happened.

"For deceiving you," Carlisle said quietly, he was taking a risk by admitting this but Sophia didn't deserve to live her life in fear of something that would have never happened.

Carlisle looked away from Sophia, he hated that his compassion was getting the better of him and Bella was going to need Sophia more than anything when it came to her turning.

Bella would need someone to look after Charlie when she was turned and to make sure that he was okay when they faked her death; Charlie had no idea what was coming.

"You deceived me?" Sophia whispered slowly staring at Carlisle, the guilt was written all over his face and she had a sinking feeling about what was going to happen.

Carlisle nodded his head, he was sure that Sophia would understand why they had lied about her being a target; he would do anything to protect his family and he knew that Sophia would do the same.

"What do you mean?" Paul demanded staring angrily at Carlisle, he had heard what had been said and he was furious that Carlisle had stopped to speak to Sophia.

Carlisle looked over at Paul, realising that the pack were all now looking at him; he was a little surprised that they weren't all fussing over Jacob right now.

Sophia took a step back from Carlisle, she truly didn't want to be near him especially with how things were turning out right now.

"What would you do for your family? To keep them safe," Carlisle asked looking at Sophia, his golden eyes not looking away from Sophia; he wanted her to understand why they had done what they had.

Paul moved over to his imprint, he didn't trust the vampire and whatever was happening wasn't going to be good; he stared at Carlisle wondering what he was doing.

"You were never a target Sophia," Carlisle whispered knowing that even as he did so that everyone would hear him, he was risking so much but he had to do this; Sophia had feared for her life for long enough.

Sophia stared at Carlisle anger pulsing through her veins at what she was hearing, she couldn't believe that this was happening; Paul snarled beside her, trying to remain calm.

"Do you have any idea what you put me through? What you put this tribe through?" Sophia snapped staring at Carlisle, his words making her blood boil as she thought about everything.

Sophia might not have shown it but she had truly feared for her life and Mia's, she had worried about the pack and if any of them would come back alive from the battle.

Carlisle flinched, he was doing this for Esme and she had been horrified to learn what Alice had done; however they needed Sophia for when Bella was turned, Charlie was going to be all alone when he lost his daughter.

"Get out of here Cullen before we rip you apart," Sam ordered knowing that they didn't need this right now, he didn't care why Carlisle had confessed only that they had been manipulated by the leeches.

Sophia glared at Carlisle as he turned and walked away, she couldn't believe that they had done something like that; she felt responsible now for what had happened to Jacob.

Paul pulled his imprint close as Carlisle drove away, he doubted that the Cullens would get away with what had happened and Sam would punish them for what they had done.

No sooner had Carlisle's Mercedes S55 AMG disappeared from view, the roar of Bella's truck made an appearance; the pack all turned to look at the truck wondering why Bella was showing up now.

Edward should have stopped her from coming if he knew that Carlisle was going to reveal that they had tricked the pack into helping.

Sophia took a deep breath still angry about what Carlisle had said, she knew that all of this had happened because of Bella and she was going to confront Bella about everything.

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