Chapter Twenty-Eight: Off to Italy

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Bella smiled happily allowing Jacob into the house, she wasn't even surprised that he had come crawling back to her; she closed the door as she noted the serious look on his face. 

"Is everything okay Jake?" Bella asked curiously leading him into the lounge, she was a little disappointed to see that Alice had disappeared and that her two best friends wouldn't make peace for her sake. 

Jacob looked around warily knowing that the leech had stepped out for a moment while he had come, he really didn't wish to be in the house were a Cullen was currently staying. 

He had already really come because Sam had ordered him to gather information and Paul had pleaded for him to check on Sophia; he was under alpha's orders not to come anywhere near the house to check on his own imprint. 

"Sam wants to know if the Cullens are coming back?" Jacob asked roughly wrinkling his nose in disgust, the sickly sweet smell that lingered around the room; he was suddenly glad that Paul hadn't been allowed to come with him. 

There was no way that his pack brother would have been able to control himself with this smell around his imprint. Bella frowned at his words as she sat down, she glared at him a little hurt that he hadn't come to see her because he wanted to. 

"I don't know," Bella said softly wondering why Sam was so worried about the Cullens, they weren't like the other vampires that the pack usually dealt with and they still treated them like the bad guys. 

Jacob sighed knowing that he really didn't want to speak with the vampire, he doubted that she was even aware of all the trouble that she was causing; they never seemed to care about all of the damage that they had done. 

"How long is she staying here?" Jacob asked bitterly, he was still upset that Bella had welcomed Alice back into her life as if the vampire hadn't help destroy her as a person.

"Her name is Alice and she can stay as long as she likes," Bella snapped getting to her feet and walked out of the lounge into the kitchen; she didn't understand why he was being like this. 

Jacob followed after Bella suddenly feeling guilty for what he had said, he knew how much the leech meant to her but he couldn't help but feel angry around them it was in his nature as a wolf. 

"I have done it again. I keep breaking my promise," Jacob whispered mournfully looking at her, he didn't know why things just had to be so difficult for them. 

Things should have been as easy as breathing for them if the supernatural didn't exist, it would have made winning Bella's heart easier. 

"We don't have to do this to each other," Bella murmured softly looking at him, she really didn't understand why he was doing all of this. 

It should be easy for him to understand that Alice was her best friend and she was going to want her to stay; she wanted a connection to the Cullens again after everything that had happened. 

"Yes, we do. Bella... Que Quowle," Jacob whispered moving towards Bella, he drew her close slowly before leaning down to kiss her; he wanted her to see that she didn't need the Cullens anymore, she had him now and the pack would just have to deal with it. 

However before Jacob could kiss Bella, the house phone rang making him sigh as he pulled back and look at the brunette longingly as he moved to answer the phone. 

"Swan Residence. He's not here right now. He's arranging a funeral," Jacob said his voice growing dark as he realised that it was another vampire ruining his chances with Bella. 

Bella frowned watching Jacob slam down the phone wondering what had upset him this time. 

"Who was that? What?" Bella asked looking at him concerned as Sophia stepped into the kitchen, she ignored her cousin as she moved towards Jacob who had started to shake a little. 

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