Chapter Sixty-Eight: Not One of Us

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Bella ignored the glares that she got when she climbed out of her truck, she was on a mission and she wasn't going to let anyone get in her way.

"I'm here to see Jacob," Bella said walking towards the gathered pack, she ignored the looks of anger and hatred; no one was going to stop her, even Edward had failed to talk her out of coming.

Sophia glared at her cousin, she couldn't believe that Bella was so stupid to turn up and she didn't believe that Bella truly cared how Jacob was.

Bella walked towards the house, she was sure that Jacob would want to see her after what had happened and she couldn't wait to share the news with him that she was going to marry Edward.

"I'm sorry Bella... you can't see Jacob right now," Billy murmured shaking his head, he didn't want her anywhere near his son right now and he was sure that Jacob wouldn't see Bella.

Billy was so proud of Jacob and the fact that he had finally moved on from Bella was the best news that he had ever wanted.

"I have to see him... he loves me and I need to tell him that I am marrying Edward," Bella demanded glaring at Billy, she had never liked him and she wished that he would just put out; he had tried to convince her not to date Edward and she didn't want to hear it.

Sophia stared at her cousin, anger bubbled beneath her skin as she felt Paul wrap his arms around her; she couldn't believe that she was hearing this right now.

"You can't be serious... the pack risk their lives for you, Jacob ends up having his bones shattered and all you care about is your bloody engagement," Sophia snarled, she tried to pull away from Paul to reach her cousin; she wanted to strangle her and she was sure that no one but her leeches would care.

Bella blinked staring at Sophia, she watched her cousin for a moment wondering what her point was; she was happy and that was what should have mattered.

"Leave Bella... you are not welcome here," Billy said knowing that he was only being polite for Charlie's sake, he doubted that his old friend realised what a spoilt brat that his daughter was.

Bella pursed her lips, she couldn't believe that they were treating her like this and she was sure that Jacob would want to see her; he didn't have to deny his feelings for her anymore.

"Of course I am... Jake loves me and he wants to see me," Bella said stamping her foot, she didn't know why everyone looked so angry with her; she hadn't done anything wrong.

Leah scoffed staring at Bella, she wondered how deluded Sophia's cousin was and she couldn't believe that Bella thought that everyone loved her; she guessed that Renee had truly messed with Bella's head by making her grow up before it was time.

"Go home to Charlie and your leech Bella... you aren't welcome here," Sam ordered trying to stop a fight breaking out, he was going to have to speak to the Cullens about keeping them off the reservation again and about adding Bella to the treaty.

Bella pouted, she wasn't going to move and she didn't care about what any of them thought; she needed to speak to Jacob to let him know that she was going to be turned soon.

"Leave Bella... before I am forced to do something that I might regret," Sophia snapped peeking back at Paul, she was going too pleaded with him to let her go so that she could punch Bella.

Bella rolled her eyes and snorted, she crossed her arms knowing that Sophia wasn't going to do anything to her; she wouldn't dare especially if she didn't want to start a war between the pack and the Cullens.

"You won't be doing anything because I am engaged to Edward and that means I am untouchable to every single one of you," Bella replied smugly, she was going to be a Cullen and have everything that she had ever wanted.

Bella was going to be immortal and beautiful, she would get to spend eternity with the Cullens while everyone here would grow old and rot.

"Would you stop being so selfish," Sophia shouted wondering how Bella had turned into this person, they had been so close as children and she had never thought that this was how her cousin would turn out.

Bella ignored her cousin, she had no interest in what Sophia was saying and just wished that they'd let her inside to see her Jacob; he was going to be angry that she'd kept him waiting.

"No one on the reservation wants you here," Leah said glaring at Bella, she felt sorry for Charlie since he had a daughter like her; he didn't deserve what he had and he was going to be devastated when Bella turned her back on him.

Bella glared at Leah for a moment before she heard someone coming out of Billy's house, she stared at Fiona wondering why she got to see Jacob while she was stuck outside.

Fiona took a deep breath, she hadn't wanted to leave Jacob alone but he had insisted that she help the others deal with Bella; he could hear that she was outside and he wanted her to leave.

"Jacob doesn't want to see you and you being in La Push isn't helping him get better," Fiona stated stiffly, she glared at the woman that had brought all of the trouble to their daughter; she didn't know why Bella was so special and why the vampires were so interested in her.

Bella glared back at Fiona, she was the woman that had taken Jacob from her and she wished that she would just disappear; everything had been so much better before Jacob had imprinted on her.

"Jacob only loves you because of the imprint... he loved me before and still does," Bella insisted stepping closer, she was going to see Jacob and no one would stop her; she didn't care what any one of them thought.

Sophia scoffed, she truly wondered how delusional her cousin was; what she and Fiona had with Paul and Jacob was a lot stronger than what she had with Edward.

"Imprinting isn't like being a blood singer... our wolves love us while Cullen only loves your blood," Sophia explained shaking her head, she didn't know why Bella thought that her bond with Edward was stronger than what they had.

Bella frowned looking at her cousin, she couldn't believe that Sophia had said that; she and Edward were in love and getting married.

"I wonder if he'll still love you when that smell is gone... probably not," Leah mused smugly, she was being honest and that was going to hurt Bella even more than anything.

Edward loved her because of the smell of her blood and the fact that he couldn't read her mind; everyone could see it and yet Bella was still getting herself trapped in a relationship with him.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Bella screeched before she stormed over to Leah, she was going to deal with the shewolf and then go see her Jacob.

Sam quickly grabbed a hold of Bella's good arm and stopped her, the last thing that they needed was Bella picking a fight with Leah; it would only end in tears for Bella.

"I'll take Bella back to the treaty line... hopefully her leech will take her back," Sam announced starting to drag Bella back to her truck, he wanted to speak with the Cullens and make it clear that they weren't welcome on the reservation anymore and neither was Bella.

Bella gritted her teeth, she couldn't believe that she was being treated like this and she knew that Edward would put the pack in their place.

Sophia watched Bella leave, she had a feeling that this was only the start of the trouble that her cousin was going to cause.

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