Chapter Forty-Three: The Final Straw

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Sophia stared at Edward wondering what on earth he was talking about, she had been at home all day and hadn't really seen Bella the day before either and she had been pretty distracted with Fiona and her reveal, she hadn't had time to worry about her crazy cousin. 

"Mike attacked me," Bella whimpered clinging to Edward, she couldn't believe that he had done such a thing and if Edward hadn't shown up with Alice then she didn't know what would have happened. 

Charlie stared at his daughter taking in what she had said, as the chief of police the school certainly would have called him if something this serious had happened. 

"I confronted him like you asked about him fathering Fiona's child," Bella lied sneaking a look at Sophia and Charlie, Edward believed her and she was glad that he couldn't see into her mind. 

Sophia stared at her cousin wondering what the hell she had gone and done, she had in no way told Bella to do that and she hadn't even told Bella about Mike being Austin's father. 

Sophia felt anger rush through her knowing that Bella had done something completely stupid, Fiona didn't need this secret coming out and the harassment that would now follow. 

"I did no such thing... for the love of God Bella, why would you go and do something like that?" Sophia snapped glaring at her cousin, she just couldn't believe that Bella had gone and meddled in something that had nothing to do with her. 

Edward stared at Sophia watching her thoughts, there was no concealed plots nor where their lies that echoed in her mind; he might have only been able to see a fleeting thought but that didn't stop him from seeing that Bella was lying to everyone right now. 

Bella was confused when Edward pushed her away from him, she pouted wondering what was going on before Charlie interrupted her and pulled her attention back to him.

"Would someone tell me what is really going on?" Charlie demanded looking at his daughter first and then his niece as he tried to work out what was going on; he had a feeling that this was going to be a long day. 

Sophia took a deep breath glaring at her cousin, she was furious that her cousin had and meddled in someone else affairs; Fiona was her friend and was nothing to do with Bella. 

"It appears Bella has accidentally spoken to Mike about something that she shouldn't of," Edward stated watching Sophia, who just scoffed at his words and glared at him; there was no denying what Bella had done wasn't accidental in any way. 

Charlie sighed knowing that his niece's dislike for the Cullens was going to cause a problem with Bella; his daughter wasn't going to give up Edward but he hoped that he didn't have to deal with two warring teenagers. 

"It appears that Bella just stuck her foot into crap that wasn't her problem Doucheward," Sophia snapped glaring at the vampire, he wouldn't touch her without breaking the treaty and having the pack on his back. 

Sophia was pretty sure that Paul would love a reason to crush Edward after what had happened with her car, she smirked as Edward at her thoughts confirming them. 

"Fiona told me something private yesterday and Bella who could only have been eavesdropping went and confronted Mike about it," Sophia explained to Charlie, she was going to have to tell Fiona about this especially since Bella had probably told everyone now about Austin being Mike's son by now. 

Charlie frowned, he couldn't understand why his daughter would go and do something like that; he looked to her for answers only to find her glaring at Sophia.

"What did I ever do to you Bella? You've been causing me problems since I got here," Sophia demanded staring at her cousin, she had tried at the start to be supportive of what Bella was going through. 

However as time went on it became more clear that Bella wasn't interested in people being supportive, she was more interested in having everyone's attention being on her. 

The room was silent as Bella stared at Sophia, she certainly hadn't been expecting her cousin to call her out on her crap; she had been hoping that the blonde would keep this quiet. 

"You bad mouth me to all of your friends, you have never made me feel welcome in Forks, you blab my secrets to anyone who asks and then you turn people that don't even know me against me," Sophia ranted at Bella, it was going to come out sooner or later and she wanted to know why her cousin was doing all of this. 

Sophia knew that there was going to be a lot more that she hadn't said but right now she wanted to know what was going on in Bella's head. 

Charlie stared at his niece, he really hadn't known that things were that bad between her and Bella; they had their differences but he had never realised until now just how bad it was. 

"Maybe because you are butting in on my life, you stole my friends from La Push, you keep messing up everything for me with that bastard of yours," Bella spat back at Sophia, her brown eyes filled with anger as she glared at the blonde; she ignored the look of shock from Edward knowing that she would speak to him later about this. 

Charlie barely had time to grab hold of Sophia as the blonde launched herself at Bella in fury at what she had called Mia. 

Sophia might have been okay calling herself that but she wasn't going to let anyone call Mia that name; it wasn't like Jason was around anymore. 

Bella blinked surprised as Charlie wrestled Sophia back as the blonde tried to reach her cousin to give her a lesson that she would never forget. 

Bella smiled smugly before she turned to Edward, she paused watching his still face knowing that whatever was going on in his head couldn't be good. 

"ENOUGH," Charlie bellowed making Sophia stop fighting, he glared at his daughter as he carefully released his niece knowing that this wasn't what he had been expecting right now. 

Edward stared at Charlie for a moment before he carefully got to his feet, this was a family discussion and he didn't belong there while it was happening. 

"I am appalled with your behaviour and you are both grounded until I say otherwise," Charlie said looking between the two, whatever was going on wasn't going to be solved overnight. 

Sophia stared at her uncle wondering why she was being grounded sure, she had just tried to attack Bella but she hadn't really done anything wrong. 

Bella was the one in the wrong here and again she was getting away with it because she was blaming other people for her problems. 

"Now you are both grounded to your bedrooms until further notice... I am disappointed with the two of you," Charlie continued running a hand through his hair, he really couldn't believe that this was happening; this was the last thing that he needed and he knew that whatever was going on had to end right now. 

Bella huffed before she stormed passed her father and headed upstairs, she was already grounded for disappearing to Italy because of Edward and now this. 

Sophia looked at her uncle for a moment before she shook her head and walked away, she had to collect Mia and then she would hide out in her bedroom. 

Charlie watched the two of them leave and sighed as he wondered why he hadn't noticed what a war zone his home had become, he had been so distracted lately with the disappearances that he hadn't noticed just how bad things were between Bella and Sophia in his own home.

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