Chapter Thirty-Seven: Morning Chats

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Sophia blinked confused waking up in her warm bed, she rubbed her eyes tiredly as she wondered how she had gotten into her bed. 

The last thing that Sophia remembered was falling asleep next to Paul on the floor, and now here she was alone in bed; the blonde quickly sat up to see that her boyfriend was gone. 

Sophia sighed a little disappointed that he hadn't stayed as she climbed out of bed and moved to check on Mia who was sound asleep. 

Sophia watched her daughter for a moment before she headed out of her bedroom for the bathroom so that she could wash and brush her teeth. 

Sophia glanced at her uncle's bedroom knowing that he was already downstairs, it bothered her slightly that he still had no idea that Edward constantly spent the night with Bella. 

"Good Morning," Bella greeted smugly leaning against the door frame as Sophia did her morning routine, she watched her cousin knowing that what Edward had told her last night had been interesting to say the least. 

Sophia raised an eyebrow at her cousin in the mirror, she didn't know what Bella wanted but she doubted that Bella was going to be pleasant with her. 

"Edward told me something interesting last night," Bella mused watching Sophia, her cousin was hiding something from her and she didn't like that the wolves were being very friendly with Sophia still now that she had chosen the Cullens. 

Sophia paused for a moment wondering what the leech could have told her cousin, she really didn't want to discuss imprinting with Bella since she doubted that the older teenager would understand. 

"How would Charlie feel if he knew that your boyfriend stayed last night?" Bella said smirking, she couldn't believe that her cousin thought she'd get away with having Paul stay over.

"How would Charlie feel if he knew that the boy he'd banned from the house also stayed over last night?" Sophia shot back turning to face her cousin, she knew what Bella was trying to do and she wasn't going to fall for it. 

Sophia would easily out the fact that Edward had been staying over if Bella said anything about Paul; she knew that it wouldn't be easily but Bella had just as much as she did to lose. 

Bella opened her mouth to say something before she frowned realising that it would be pointless; the blonde had her there and she knew it. 

"You won't be saying anything to Uncle Charlie about Paul, or I will tell him all about your precious Eddie," Sophia said threateningly, she wasn't going to allow her cousin destroy what she had with Paul. 

Bella blinked staring at the blonde before her as she realised that it wasn't just the Cullen/Pack divide that she was going to have to deal with but her cousin as well. 

"So that's how it is?" Bella said glaring at Sophia, she couldn't believe that this was what it came down to that she was going to allow the manwhore of La Push near her and her daughter. 

Jacob had told her all about Paul Lahote and she was disgusted that Sophia actually thought that he could ever love her; that she was stupid enough to fall for his tricks. 

"That's how it is," Sophia said with a nod of her head before she turned around and focused on getting ready, she was meant to be spending the day with Fiona and she didn't want to be late.


"Who are you?" Bella demanded opening the front door, she glared at the woman that was stood at the door; she eyed the infant in her arms in disgust. 

Bella was still angry that Sophia had outsmarted her and that Charlie was sticking firm on his decision that she was grounded. 

Fiona blinked at the brunette that was stood before her, she had heard from her friend what Bella was like but she wasn't expecting her to be so rude to her when they first met. 

"Fiona... I'm here to see Sophia," Fiona replied shifting her hold on Austin, Bella had been so depressed recently and had only just come out of it but there was no need for her to be rude. 

Sophia pushed Bella out of the way and rolled her eyes at her cousin, she was growing tired of Bella's snappy attitude since she wasn't allowed to see Edward. 

Charlie wasn't letting up and was determined to keep Bella away from Edward though he was considering allowing him to visit during a set time since Bella was seeing him at school. 

"Ignore her... come in," Sophia chimed with a smile allowing Fiona into the house, she glanced at Bella who was glaring at the brunette that she allowed into their home.

Bella stared at the teenage mother that Sophia had invited inside, jealously filled her as she wondered why her cousin was allowed to have friends around and she wasn't; it wasn't like she needed to explain herself to Charlie. 

"Coffee?" Sophia asked looking at her friend, they were having a catch up since everything had been crazy the last few weeks. 

Fiona nodded her head heading into the living room and set Austin down near Mia, she smiled at the little girl knowing that she was glad to have a friend like Sophia. 

Bella leant against the door and stared at Fiona, she didn't know why but the girl before her looked familiar; she knew that she had probably been at her school but there was something else. 

"Where do I know you from?" Bella asked continuing to stare at the brunette, she eyed the infant that Fiona had brought with her and frowned as she wondered why her father allowed babies into the house. 

Fiona paused for a moment knowing that Bella was close friends with Austin's father, she swallowed knowing that she didn't need the older teenager learning who had fathered her child. 

"We go to the same school," Fiona replied simply, she knew that Austin's father wouldn't have told anyone about his drunken mistake and he would go to his grave denying that Austin was his. 

Bella nodded her head as she stared at Austin, she crossed her arms knowing that there was just something about the infant that pulled on her memory. 

"Who is his father?" Bella asked as looking between Fiona and Austin, she knew that something didn't add up. 

Fiona turned to look at Bella wondering why she wanted to know, it made her worry about what she would do with that knowledge; she could only imagine how bad things would get if the truth got out.

"Go harass someone else Bella," Sophia snapped walking back into the living room, she glared at her cousin knowing that Fiona hadn't come here to be harassed with her noisy questions. 

Bella huffed annoyed as Sophia handed Fiona her coffee, she turned on her heel and stormed upstairs, stamping her feet along the way; she wasn't going to let go of the fact that she knew Fiona from somewhere. 

"Ignore her," Sophia said with a smile as they heard Bella slam her bedroom door, the two of them rolled their eyes at the fact that the older teenager acted more like a child than they did. 

Fiona nodded her head sipping on her coffee, she knew that she would be in a lot of trouble if Austin's paternity was revealed to the town. 

Fiona just hoped that Bella would leave her secret alone and forget that she had seen her at the party that was held months ago; it would only led to the father making her life hell. 

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