Chapter Sixty-Four: Outside Looking In

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Sophia brushed her fingers through her hair as she looked at Paul, she hated that he was exhausted from vampire training in the middle of the night.

The Cullens were offering to help the pack prepare but the hours that they had chosen to do so were ridiculous that they didn't take into account that the pack did need to sleep even if they didn't.

"How are you?" Sophia asked balancing Mia on her hip, she had just been to the park with her daughter and was sure that Paul would have crashed after school before he had to go to training.

Paul blinked looking at his imprint, he hadn't expected her to be home yet and he couldn't help but smile as he carefully got off the couch and walked over to his girlfriend.

"I'm better now that you are here," Paul murmured kissing her lips, he would do anything to make sure that she was okay; the last two days had been a nightmare and Paul wasn't sure how everything was going to end when the Newborn Battle arrived.

Sophia smiled softly responding to the kiss, she was sure that everything would be fine; she'd murder her cousin if anything went wrong and any of the pack were lost.

"What time is training?" Sophia asked as Mia squealed and clapped her hands a little as Paul took her from her mother; Paul cuddled her as he watched Sophia, it was going to be another late night for him.

Sophia moved towards the kitchen as she thought about dinner, they had been eating at Emily's a lot in the past two days since the pack had learnt that the newborn army was coming.

"About eleven," Paul replied following Sophia, he hated that he was having to spend the night away from them and he wasn't sure how much use being exhausted would be for him during the battle.


Fiona smiled weakly stepping into the house, she was pretty much living with Jacob and his father; she loved being around her boyfriend and he needed her so much right now with everything that was going on.

"I hate this," Fiona muttered popping Austin into the play pen, he clapped his hands excitedly at the sight of Mia; the two were great friends since they spent a lot of time together.

Sophia nodded her head in agreement while she finished washing the dishes, she didn't know what was going on and it was killing her; she wasn't even sure if she was really a target for the newborn army.

Sophia didn't trust the Cullens and she had a feeling that they would do anything to save their own backsides; she just hoped they weren't using the pack for their own gain.

Fiona sat down and watched Sophia for a moment, she didn't know how any of the imprints were coping; there was a chance that some of the pack would be lost during this battle.

"Bella called again... she's determined to win Jacob back," Fiona said rolling her eyes, she really didn't know why the leech-lover didn't just drop it.

Bella had being clinging to Jacob for all the wrong reasons and Jacob wasn't interested in her anymore; she was clinging to something that she had made up in her head.

Sophia looked at Fiona feeling sorry for her friend, she didn't deserve to have her cousin trying to mess things up; Bella was a brat when it came to getting what she wanted.

It was something that was becoming even clearer as time passed, she was used to getting what she wanted and Renee had clearly let her get away with murder when growing up.

"And people think I'm the spoilt brat," Sophia mused putting a plate away, she snorted a laugh and shook her head; her mother would have spanked her if she acted anything like Bella did.

Fiona nodded her head and laughed, she was glad that Sophia was so much more grounded than Bella; she was her best friend and they had so much in common.

"Has Paul said anything about the training?" Fiona asked while Sophia moved to stick the kettle on, Sam had called a meeting so all of the imprints had been left on their own.

It hadn't been an easy few days and Sophia was sure that as soon as the battle was over that everything would return to normal.

Sophia wasn't even going to be surprised if Bella engineered her own turning into a vampire; it was clearly something her cousin wanted and Sophia knew it would destroy Charlie to lose his only daughter.

"Nope... a part from the fact that Bella keeps going," Sophia replied shaking her head, she had no interest in the training and didn't know why her cousin insisted on going.

It wasn't as if Bella was going to be able to help them fight, from what Sophia had heard; Edward planned to hide Bella way in the mountains during the battle so that she could be safe and away from everything.

Fiona nodded her head, she trusted Jacob but that didn't mean that she wanted him anywhere near Bella; the other brunette was up to something and it made her nervous.


Paul grumbled to himself watching Jasper teach them more moves, he didn't want to be near the leeches and he didn't trust them.

Jacob stood close by ignoring Bella who was cuddled into Edward's side, she wanted to speak to him again about choosing her as his imprint.

Bella didn't seem to understand that she had no hold over Jacob anymore, she thought that an imprint was chosen and that if she could get him back then everything would be perfect.

"She's staring again," Seth thought watching Bella, he didn't know why the Cullens brought her to the training sessions; she was human and no help to them at all during the fight.

Jacob snorted moving to lay down, he wasn't interested in whatever Bella wanted; he had moved on and had Fiona in his life now, he had never felt like this before and he was happy.

"Better than moping for the leech-lover," Leah mused making a couple of wolves bark laughs while Edward glared at them, she stared right back not caring that he didn't like what they thought.

Leah was only here because Sophia was in danger and this was the only way to protect her, Sophia was pack and someone that Leah could turn to with her worries.

Edward whispered something softly to Bella, he didn't know why they prefer Sophia to Bella; he hadn't really had time to get to know the blonde, though Alice was convinced still that Sophia would be a wonderful friend to their family if the wolves backed off.

"Aren't you coming to see me?" Bella called softly, her brown eyes staring directly at him as if it would make him come over to her; she pouted a little when he didn't even move.

Alice stood by her best friend with a soft smile, she watched her husband working knowing that she had done the right thing; the pack would never discover her deception and it wasn't like they had stopped to question her on it.

Edward peeked at his sister, he was aware of her plan and he had to admit that it was clear; he had never expected the wolves to be so loyal to Sophia.

It had been a learning experience, one that had left Carlisle with so many questions about the imprint bond. 

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