Chapter Nineteen: Port Angeles

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"This is nice," Fiona said with a smile as she sat across from Sophia in the small café where they had stopped for lunch, the two were sat in the back corner away from prying eyes with their children. 

Sophia nodded her head sipping on her drink, the hair standing up on the back of her neck letting her know that people were staring at them. 

Sophia was growing tired of the judging looks that she and Fiona had gotten all day, she had almost wanted to scream at the number of shop assistants that had assumed that Mia was her sister. 

It made her even angrier that when she corrected them that Mia was in fact that her daughter, they looked at her as if she'd just told them that she had the plague. 

"If you don't mind me asking. Where is Mia's father?" Fiona asked carefully not wanting to upset Sophia, she looked at Mia knowing that no one would be able to turn their back on such a sweet little girl. 

Fiona shifted her hold on Austin as she looked at her new friend, she had spent the day wondering what had become of Mia's father if the little girl now lived in Forks. 

"He's in a military school in California... his parents won't let him see Mia," Sophia replied softly looking down at her daughter, she knew Jason would have loved to have been there when she was born but his parents had shipped him off as soon as they could. 

Fiona nodded her head sadly, she doubted that Mia's father would ever really get to meet her; he would never know what had happened to his little girl. 

"What about you?" Sophia asked looking at Fiona and Austin, she knew that there had to be a story behind her own single motherhood and she didn't want to push it too much. 

Sophia didn't want to upset her own friend but she had answered the question and it seemed only fair for her to ask it in return.

"I got drunk at school party... Austin was born nine months later," Fiona replied shortly with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked down at her son. 

Austin's father knew that he had a son but he had told her that if she ever told anyone that he was the father then he would make her life a living nightmare. 

Sophia nodded her head offering her friend a small reassuring smile, it wasn't easy being a single teenager mother and it annoyed her how easy the father's seemed to get off while they were looked down upon for having children. 

"So where do you want to go next?" Sophia asked bouncing Mia on her knee, she knew that there was no point focusing on the past. 

There was nothing that could change what they were going through and neither of them would change it for the world. 

Fiona chewed on her lip as she looked at Sophia, she knew that she had found a friend for life and someone that understood what she was going through right now. 

Her parents were so disappointed and more so that she wouldn't just tell them who the father was, it worried them that she was trying to protect an older man that she shouldn't have been with.


"Thank you for today," Fiona said as the two walked back to their cars, they had driven up separately since Austin had, had a doctor's appointment that morning and the brunette wanted to be able to drive her own car. 

Sophia smiled nodding her head, she glanced down at Mia who was now napping soundly in her arms; the blonde hoped her daughter would sleep all the way back home. 

"No problem... we should do it again soon," Sophia said looking at Fiona, she knew that they both had a bit of a drive back to Forks; it was just over an hour away and the blonde had promised to call Charlie when she was coming back home. 

Charlie had been at work early that morning and Bella had disappeared off down to La Push without a word to Sophia; she was starting to drive the blonde up the wall. 

"We should," Fiona agreed with a nod of her head, she still couldn't believe that she had a friend and someone who wasn't going to judge her because she was a teenage mother. 

The two quickly approached their cars and said their goodbyes so that they could both prepare to drive home, they lived on opposite sides of Forks and they had a long drive back. 

Sophia carefully settled Mia into her car seat in the back of the car, the blonde set her black textured side zip woven slouch bag down on the floor in the back as she strapped Mia in then made sure that the child locks were on in the back of the car.

Sophia collected her BlackBerry Pearl 8100 and pressed it to her ear as she phone Charlie to let him know she was about to drive home. 

Sophia leant against her car, she was crossed her arms as she waited for her uncle to answer; she was wearing a grey swing dress in knit paired with black block heel ankle boots, it was still a little chilly even if it was March. 

"Hi Uncle Charlie," Sophia greeted smiling, she shivered lightly knowing that she wanted to get going before it was completely dark. 

Sophia brushed some hair from her face, she couldn't believe that she had been out nearly all afternoon with Fiona. 

Sophia had to admit that she was glad that she finally had a friend of her own, Bella's friends seemed to look down at her while those in La Push seemed nice but they only spoke with her because of Bella. 

"I just wanted to let you know that we're leaving Port Angeles now and I should be home in just over an hour," Sophia said moving to get into the driver's side of the car, the blonde didn't even seem to notice that she was being watched. 

Across the street from where Sophia was parked a vampire pursed her lips as she stared at the blonde, this would make things interesting especially since no one would see this coming.


Sophia carefully turned on some quiet music as she drove down the US-101 towards Forks, she sighed as she glanced back at Mia who was still sound asleep. 

Sophia had to admit that she was glad since she didn't want to deal with a fussy one and a half month old while she was driving.

Sophia couldn't resist mouthing along to the words as a song that she knew came on, she smiled glad that there wasn't any traffic on the road and she didn't have to worry speeding drivers. 

Sophia felt more relaxed when she didn't have to worry about other drivers, who would overtake her or would cut her off as she drove with Mia in the car. 

Sophia kept driving at a steady speed as it slowly started to get dark around the car, she chewed on her lip as she flicked the headlights on knowing that it was better to be safe than sorry. 

As she did so a figure jumped out of the trees just a head of her causing Sophia to quickly swerve her car wondering what the hell was going on. 

Sophia struggled to control her car as she slammed on the breaks, her car screeching to a stop as she avoided the figure that suddenly disappeared. 

Sophia swallowed as she tried to control her shaking hands wondering what the hell was going on; Mia screamed in the back of the car after being woken up. 

Sophia took a deep breath before her car door was ripped from car, she screamed as the figure reached for her.

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