Seeing family

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After spending time together, they had decided to get the Marvel crew together. Chris and Sebastian invited everyone to a dinner at the house, saying that it was a little get together.

Of course, they were quick to say yes and the next afternoon, they began turning up. Y/N hid upstairs on the stones, waiting.

"Too bad Y/N isn't here... She use to light up the room." She heard Robert say.

As the cast all spoke, Y/N slowly began making her way down the stairs, being careful not to stop on any stairs that were too loud.

All of the adults were facing away so she walked over, deciding to jump on Hemsworth's back.

"Oh, hello there Y/N. You're home?" Hemsworth asked, moving her around to put her down. She then moved around, hugging everyone.
"God, you've grown kid. Nearly fifteen." Robert sniffled, wiping a fake tear.
"You saw me a month ago uncle Robert." She pouted.
"You've still grown." Robert told her, hugging her tight.

She rolled her eyes, sitting beside Chris before cuddling against him.
"Seems someone got a bit lonely without hugs." Tom Hiddleston joked.
"Nope. Ryan gave the best hugs." Y/N winked.
"The betrayal." Sebastian gasped.
"You've got a good hug.. But Ryan is just better." Y/N rolled her eyes.

Y/n got herself up and jumped onto the sofa, on top of Tom Hiddleston who had been laid on the sofa as a way of relaxing.

Tom laughed, grabbing her and holding her.
"Careful, Y/N. Tom's old. Don't wanna break him." Robert joked.
"what are you then?" Tom asked Robert.
"Ouch. I'll grab some ice for you Robert." Sebastian sniggered.
"Shut it." Robert rolled his eyes.

Y/N shrugged, putting her face against her uncle's chest. Tom just patted her head before going back to the convocation the adults were having. Ignoring the now sleeping teenager on him.

"it's a bit weird how she can fall asleep with almost everyone she's worked with...." Hemsworth muttered after a bit.
"She knows we're there for her. She never had a figure like that in her life before." Chris E explained.

"It'll be Walkers job to hug her soon." Sebastian muttered from his cup of coffee.
"Fair point. It will." Robert smiled, looking at her. "Can't wait for the next Marvel movie." He added.
"Neither. bring the whole family back together for longer." Jeremy pointed.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now