First Day of School

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Peter had pulled the car into a parking spot of the school.
"Are you ready?" Walker asked, sorting out his uniform.
"Yes, I think I am." Y/N nodded, getting out of the car.
Walker guided her inside, straight to the front office.

"Hello, can we please get Y/N Evans timetable." Walker spoke to the receptionist woman.
The woman's head instantly shot up, seeing the young girl.
"Of course!" She nodded, quickly printing out the timetable for her. Y/N instantly put it in her bag since Walker would be guiding her around. "it's lovely to meet you Miss Evans." She smiled.
"It's great to meet you too, Miss." Y/N smiled, shaking her hand.
"Come on, let's put some things away into our lockers so we don't have to carry so much." Walker told her. She nodded and followed him, thankful they were early so there wasn't any more than two people on the coridoor.

Walker put some of his books away, followed by a few of Y/N's new books since she didn't have a locker yet.

"Right, so our first lesson is English." Walker explained.
"Oo! I've always wondered what a propper English Lesson would be like." Y/N told him.
"It's normal. It's Drama that you'll enjoy." Walker told her.
"Wait. Theres Drama lessons here?" She asked, her eyes widening at the fact.
"Of course, they wouldn't just ditch a lesson like that." Walker told her.

"Where are your friends?" Y/N quickly asked, noticing that her and Walker had no one else around.
"Oh, they turn up on the dot of the bell, you'll get use to it." Walker explained it. opening a door of a classroom.

"Goodmorning Walker." A man behind a desk spoke, not looking up from what he was doing.
"Morning Sir, mind if Y/N sits next to me from now on?" Walker asked.

The teacher looked up and noticed her, instantly standing up and sorting out his suit before walking over.

"Y/N, welcome, I am your English teacher." He smiled, putting his hand forwards.
"Uhm... Thank you and it's nice to meet you." She smiled back to him, shaking his hand.
"And to answer your question, Walker. As long as you aren't flirting through my whole lesson, yes you may sit together." Sir explained.
"One downside to being famous." Y/N sighed, following him to his desk.
"Yeah, everyone knows who you're dating." Walker spoke, pulling the chair out for her. She sat down and pulled herself in as he sat down also.

She grabbed out her English book, her notes book and then a pen. Walker did the same, but a water bottle was placed on the desk as well.
"Knew I forgot something." She laughed.
"It's good, you can use it if you want." Walker smiled.

People slowly began filing into the classroom, most noticing her and whispering. However, by the time the classroom was full and whispering more, the teacher quickly cut them down.

"Right everyone, we have a new student, which most of you seem to have noticed. How about you come up and introduce yourself?" Sir asked.
Y/N looked at Walker who nodded so she got herself up and walked up infront of the class.

"Hello, I'm Y/N Evans, I'm thirteen. Haven't been in an actual education... Uhm... I've been acting since the day after I was born, been dancing since I could walk. And I guess I have two fathers." Y/N explained.
"Amazing, Miss Evans, how about you go back and take your seat?" He asked.
She nodded and walked back over to Walker, sitting down.

The lesson ended with no issues, so they headed straight to their next lesson. It was maths. The begining was the same as English, but with a female teacher. They were in the middle of a lesson. Puzzles mainly.

"If one is three. Two is three. Three is five. Four is four. Five is four. Then what would six be?" The teacher asked.
People instantly began writing notes to work it out. However, Y/N had realised the pattern instantly.
"It'd be three wouldn't it?" She asked.
"It would. How did you get that answer?" The teacher asked.
"Because six has three letters." She explained.

"What number is equlvalent to 3^(4)÷3^(2)?" Miss asked.
People instantly got working it out. With Y/N's techniques she was done in a little amount of time.
"Nine." Y/N stated.
"Correct." The teacher smiled.

The lesson came to an end and they went to break, however, Walker walked with her to a seperate classroom so she wouldn't be crouded by teenagers.

"What class is after break?" She asked.
"Pe." Walker explained.
"Ah, the one lesson I'm not aloud to do." She pouted.
"I guess that's what has to happen when you're so famous." Walker told her, kissing her on the cheek.

They soon got to PE, however nothing really happened other than a fitness training that she had to watch.
After that lesson was a sort of Science lesson however for most of it, Y/N was extremly close to Walker for since the male teacher wouldn't stop staring at her.

They had dinner after science. Both Y/N and Walker had packed lunches. Y/N's meal was a simple sandwitch. Some fruit, some yogurt and a small bit of chocolate.

Either way, the last lesson was Drama, but since the teacher wasn't the original teacher, she didn't have to do anything other than just sit with Walker and help him with homework since they were given a free period.

After that day, Chris picked up Y/N and Peter picked up Walker. Chris then drove the distance to the set where she quickly got changed and straight onto set.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum