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When they got home, her parents instantly showed her a boring 'guest' themed bedroom.

"this is yours and Mark's bedroom." Her mother explained.
"Marks not going home?" She asked.
"This is my home babe." He told her.
"He's right, Rose. You two will start your family life here now. It will get your popularity up." Her father spoke.
"I'm twelve! I'm not getting married and I'm not having kids! Not yet!" She yelled at them.

This came with an argument with her and her parents. Right before she was slapped by her father. A moment after that, Mark grabbed Y/N around the waist and pulled her to his own body.

"Calm down Love." He told her. "Your family are helping you. I'm not going to force you to have kids yet. But they're helping you. If you have a kid or two now you're young. Your body's better able to get rid of the exess weight." He told her.
"You WILL have a child. Y/N. You don't have a choice in that." Her father spoke.

Before Y/N began fighting back against that point, Mark kissed her before moving away.

"Y/N, in bed please love." He told her.
"Mark! Your not my boyfriend and you will not control me through that!" She yelled.
"IN bed. NOW!" He yelled at her, grabbing her wrist and pushing her to the bed.

"We'll leave you both to sleep. And calm down." Her father stated.
"Night." Mark smiled to him, getting in bed with Y/N and pulling her to his chest. Y/N's father turned off the light and closed the door before leaving.

"Sorry for yelling at you love. But you need to chill out. I'm your boyfriend. We will have kids together. And due to that, don't worry about it. it's so your body doesn't change too much and if it does, you can change." He told her.

"I hate you." She stated, moving away.
"Hush love. Calm down. If your on your monthly cycle, it's fine. Calm down. We don't have to have kids yet." She stated, hugging her.
"How old even are you?" She asked, obviously annoyed.
"Fifteen, now calm down. Go to sleep." He stated.
"I'm twelve! This is messed up." She spat.
"Calm down. It's fine. Your famous. You can get away with it." He told her, pulling her face to his chest so she couldn't speak.

They then soon fell asleep. Y/N having cried most of her sleep. Not wanting to be there.

(Just a heads up that Rape will be mensioned through the next few chapters. I think it may become a PTSD issue with Y/N that will come. So therefore Rape will be mensioned quite a bit. Obviously, if you can't handle that, I do wish for you to leave. There will never be any LEMON or SMUT, however, some issues will come into play that people may not like, so this is the warning about the Rape part. So don't continue watching if you can't handle that.)

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now