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They drove to the court and went inside straight away.

"Hello Mr Evans, Mr Stan and Miss Evans." The woman at the front spoke.
"Hey, it's nice to meet you." Chris smiled.

"Y/N love, your parents have requested ten minutes to speak to you alone." The woman told her.
"Do I get a choice?" Y/N asked.
"Sadly no." The woman shook her head.

"Fine, where am I heading?" Y/N asked.
"Just into that room." The woman spoke, pointing towards a door.
"We'll be out here." Sebastian told her before she headed off and went into the room.

"Ah, you acctuly came." Her mother spoke, instantly getting up.
"Dont touch me." She stated.
"Sorry..." Her mom mumbled, stepping back slightly.

Y/N sat opposite them on the table.

"Why did you want to talk to me." She spoke instantly.
"No need to get straight to the point darling. Don't you look beautiful." Her biological father said to her.
"Yeah but they messed up your beautiful blonde hair." Her mother pouted.
"I decided to do this to my hair for my career. Now get on with what you're talking to me for." She told them.
"We just wanted to talk to our beautiful daughter. We will after all be getting guardianship over you after this." Her biological father told her.
"You won't get guardianship over me. I wont alow it." She stated.
"You might be famous, love, but we're your mom and dad, and you need us in your life." Her biological dad explained.

"Your both terrible people." She said, standing up and moving over to the window.
"Oh, look at those beautiful nails darling. When you're back our care, we can go out together and get matching nails." Her mother spoke instantly.
"You didn't do these stuff while I was growing up! Now your suddenly wanting me back and caring for me?!" She asked, her voice rising quite a lot.
"Don't shout at us, Darling. We understand your annoyed. But you were always busy with your work and we never had time off of work either. But now, we want to care for you. Before your a teenager." Her mother explained.
"I'm litrely becoming a teenager in a couple of months!" She explained.

Y/N ended up walking out at that point, thankful for the ten minutes having been ended.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now