Finally Heading Home

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The whole cast were explained to that they needed to stay at set till it was confirmed there was no other Earthquake. She just shrugged it off, taking a selfie of her and Walker for Instagram.


Y/Nofficial: Me and Walker are back together everyone! No this isn't makeup, we experienced an earthquake on set today.

elizabetholdssenofficial: Are you alright? Are any of you hurt?
Y/Nofficial: We're all fine, just waiting for the clear to head home, they recon they'll be another Earthquake.

ScottEvans: I checked up on your house, don't worry too much, no damage and I've cleaned up what fell.
Y/Nofficial: Thanks Uncle Scott.

jeremyrenner: Me, Sonni and Ava all send our hope and wishes that the whole set will be okay. I'll phone you're dad to make sure though. And Walker, stop getting so close to Y/N.

Username: Yeah I felt that Earthquake, it was horrible.

Username: Weather says there will be another one tonight.

"Right everyone listen up! You're all free to head on home. Apparently there might be another Earthquake in around two hours, so make sure your safe for then." The director explained.

"Y/N, come on, say goodbye to your friend." Chris told Y/N.
"Bye Walker, see you whenever we're on set again." She smiled, thankful they aloud her to change.

She got in the car, which was still intact. Sebastian and Chris then climbed in and began the drive home.

They got home safely before Chris went to prepare a room that wouldn't cause harm to any of them if another Earthquake was to hit. He chose the smaller bathroom which had a bathtub, a toilet, a sink and no other item. Not even a window.

"Bathroom's set, as soon as you feal a shake, go straight into it." Chris told the two others who instantly nodded.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now