Invited Back to Marvel's Set

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Y/N was in her bedroom, layed texting Walker when she suddenly got a phone call. She instantly picked it up, realising it was from her manager.

"Hey, what can I do for you?" Y/N asked.
"Well, Marvel has gotten into contact with me, they want your character to come into the very end of this movie, and then on the next one too." Her manager explained.
"Right, when do you need me on set?" Y/N asked.
"Tommorow when your dad's come to set, you can come in then." She explained.
"Right. I'll inform them now. Thank you." Y/N spoke before hanging up.

Walker: Everything alright Y/N, you suddenly stopped texting.
Y/N: Yeah, just got a phone call is all. I have to go, sorry.
Walker: it's fine, have fun.

Y/N smiled at her phone, before rushing downstairs to the sitting room where Sebastian and Chris were cuddling on the sofa.

"Dad, Papa." Y/N spoke.
"What's wrong kiddo?" Chris asked, looking over to her.
"I'm needed at the Marvel set in the morning when you go into set." She explained.
"Right, that's fine." Chris smiled.
"It's about time they added my daughter back to the movie." Sebastian smiled.
"On screen and off screen." Chris laughed.

Y/N grabbed a blanket from the side before jumping on top of her dads. Who didn't surprisingly complain about their daughter on top of them.

"Cuddle session?" Chris asked.
"Seems to." Sebastian nodded, putting his other arm that wasn't around Chris, around Y/N too.

Sebastian grabbed the blanket from Y/N before throwing it over the three of them.
Y/N just cuddled her face against Sebastian's shoulder. Falling asleep in the family's silence. Of course, Chris and Sebastian fell asleep not too much later from their daughter falling asleep.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now