On the Marvel Set.

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When Y/N woke it was to kisses all over her face by a certain dog.

"Morning Bucky, thanks for waking me." She spoke, getting up and changing into joggers and a sports bra.

She then walked down to the small dance room in their house. Setting up her phone and starting to record it before going to dance.

When Y/N finished her dance, she just headed straight to the kitchen, sitting down at the counter and grabbing out her phone to upload the video to Instagram.

"Morning kiddo, enjoy your dancing?" Chris asked, walking in to cook.
"Yeah, it was fun." She nodded.


Y/Nofficial: First day back at home and starting it off with a dance! So glad to be home.

Robertdowneyjr: That was amazing kid! Your dancing always impresses me. You best be going onto the Marvel set soon because I wanna see you again, barley got time to steal you yesterday before you all left.

Username: I NEED to see more of these dance videos.

Username: I find it funny I haven't heard from that Liam in ages.

Y/N was given a plate of waffles and fruit which she put her phone down to eat. Of course however Sebastian was apparently still sleeping so she and Chris just sat eating and talking together. Finally being together after for around three months.

Then Sebastian walked in, his face smiling bright as he held up his phone.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now