Last Day On Set!

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The last day on set was always the hardest. Most of the cast were gone already gone due to their scenes being done, and well, most of the upset cast were still left.

The remaining actors were Robert Downey Jr, Sebastian, Chris and Y/N. Chris and Y/N got up super early, grabbing a snack bar on the way before heading out to the car. They got to the set pretty quickly, getting makeup and hair done before getting themself into the very last scene.

"Morning kid, ready for the scene?" Robert asked.
"I'm really excited for it!" She smiled.
"I still feal bad that you wont be in the next movie though." Sebastian stated.
"Has to be done." She shrugged as they all got in position.

"And Action!" The director yelled.

"Y/N... Are you sure you have to leave?" Bucky asked.
"I'm sure, Buck." Y/N stated.
"Well, I'll miss you sis." Bucky stated, pulling her into a hug before stepping away as Tony stepped forwards.

"Kid, Friday will be with you the full way, she'll help you when you need it. Just get in touch when you need us. Any of us." Tony stated.
"Thanks, Tony." She smiled before turning to Steve.

"Captain." She spoke.
"Stay safe out there. Wouldn't want Bucky to go running out to find you and dragging you back, would you?" He asked.
"I sure will safe Captain. And heck, maybe I can join your team after I'm finished with all this." She spoke.
"Not a chance." Steve smirked, hugging the girl before she got into the car,waving and then the car left. (They sat in the car waiting for the last scene to end.)

Once it was all over, they had a bit of a celebration together for it all being over, including a time that the adults got, speaking to Y/N about her life currently with Chris.
Of course, they finished up and the Producers walked over.

"What's up?" Chris asked them.
"The premiere is in two weeks, we'll send the information to the both of you for when the day acctuly is." The Producer explained.
"Right, me and Y/N should get home before it gets too late, I still have to order some dinner." Chris spoke before grabbing the bags and going to the car to put it in. Y/N saying goodbye to Sebastian before joining her dad in the car.

Of course, they just sat in silence, either driving or on the phone. Of course, he drove to McDonalds drive through and ordered two smallish meals for the two and then drove home. they went straight to the sitting room, eating as they watched a random disney movie. Of course, she ended up falling asleep, leaning on her dad.

He took her to bed, tucking her in, closing the curtains and then going to bed himself.

The next morning, Y/N woke up before Chris and therefore, she decided on a small...Prank. She put flour up on the door of Chris's room, which was a bit open due to the fact he had been doing it for around 5 months now as she had been living there. Then again, her door hadn't been closed since she moved in. Then again, she understood why. She had, had around 12 nightmares since, however each time, she just stayed alone. He was able to come see her if the door was open. He could hear her then.  She grabbed her phone and got ready, holding it and pointing towards the door. She then screamed, knowing Chris would come running without any thought, just wanting to see if she was alright. She was right since he ran straight out, shoving the door and getting flour...All over himself. She instantly laughed, turning off the camera as she looked at her dad.

"Y/N! Come here you monkey!" Chris said running after her. She screamed as she ran away to her bedroom, however she was suddenly grabbed by the waist before being thrown onto her bed, getting tickled by Chris instantly. They soon however calmed down. Chris just smiled at the now exhausted girl, sitting himself up against the bed board. He then pulled her onto him, sighing at his daughter. He did however use a few napkins so that the flour wouldn't go on her bed.

When he knew she was back asleep, he got up, tucking her in before going to get a shower.
When he finished up, he made a fruit salad, putting some in a bowl, eating his before grabbing a bag, it was usually used to keep food fresh and cold. He walked to her room and put it on her bedside table with a note saying it was her breakfast. He took a picture of her before heading to the sitting room to do some work.


chrisevans: Tickle monster got her this morning after she pranked me. Poor kid's exhausted herself to the point she's back in bed.

Scottevans: Dang! I wish I could've seen her prank, I wish I saw your face if the tickle monster came out!
Chrisevans: She took a video, think she'll post it later.

Username: Awh adorable!

Username: She sleeps better than me! How is she perfect every second of the day?

Username: Anyone else see the note? That's adorable!

Username: The new Avengers movie premiere is in two weeks! It was announced earlier this morning!
Username: I can't wait! Apparently if Y/N is any good, they're making her, her own movie, but if she's not, apparently, she's being killed off.
Username: She's definatly going to get her own movie.

Username: I can't wait to see Y/N on screen as Sebastians little sister! I wonder how Chris and Y/N act on screen? Will they have their father daughter relationship?

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now