I Love Surprises

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Chapter one hundred thirty-eight: "I Love Surprises"

After showing Cloud around the school I brought him to the ice cream shop and introduced him to the Junifer couple

Olivia and Ted looked at Cloud up and down "Are you sure that this is the same guy who searched the entire country for you, Penelope?" Olivia asked me because she was puzzled at how good looking Cloud was

It's truly baffling how I managed to make this guy even like me in the first place

Cloud gave out his hand for them to shake "I'm Cloud Marshall"

Ted shook his hand "I'm Ted and this is my wife Olivia" he gave her his hand which Olivia gladly accepted

We both smiled at the two that emitted so much love for each other that it was filling the ice cream shop

Cloud thanked Ted and Olivia for watching over me in the most respectful way and wanted to help their business by using his connections, the two gasped in surprise "Oh, you don't have to do that" Olivia told Cloud but he insisted

"You watched over the person I cared the most and let her into your home without hesitating, it's only proper that I repay your kindness in helping expand your business" he pulled out something in his wallet and gave the two his number if they have decided their decision

Ted and Olivia grinned at each other "Oh my goodness" Ted said breathlessly, they both squealed at each other in happiness. While the two were being excited, Cloud held my hand and intertwine our fingers together


"So when did you start liking me?" I asked Cloud while walking on top of a small wall that surrounds a nearby farm

"You keep popping up everywhere I go and it was annoying at first but suddenly I started to notice that even when we aren't on good terms you would always scold me when I almost got hurt and treat my wounds when I accidentally hurt myself" he smiled a himself

He followed me closely at my side in case I might fall as he continue to talk "You caught my eye from the start, the pretty smile you have on your face when you successfully help somebody was just breathtaking that I learned drawing so I could make it last"

I giggled "Who knew we would be like this, if we ever have a time machine and showed our relationship to our past selves they would cringe and look at each other with disgust"
Just the thought of young me and Cloud would see present us would be an interesting sight to see

I hopped down on the wall and took a step closer to him "Sadly you would have to go back and we will meet again after I graduate"

A loving smile spread across his lips before he leaned in and kissed me "When you are back in the penthouse I have a surprise waiting for you Angel"

My eyes twinkled with excitement "A surprise! What is it?"
I love surprises

"Patience Angel, you will see it after 4 months"

My lips formed a pout "Fine"


I brought Cloud to Mira and Max's home where I caught all of our friends playing monopoly, the Marshall siblings brought 2 monopoly boards so everyone was included

The living room was crowded and so does the dining room, I pushed Cloud gently to join them because before we entered the house I saw Sophia waving at me by the beach

I mouthed to Cloud "See you later" then gave him a wink before stepping out

Sophia was sitting on the beach while drinking a champagne bottle, she looked up at me "Want some?"

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