Hot Nurse Guy

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Chapter one hundred two: "Hot Guy Nurse"

While walking to get breakfast I saw Aunt Copernia and Uncle Dmitry, they speak fluent Russian and know a little bit about English so when Uncle Dmitry saw me he happily greeted me in Russian "Пенелопа! ты выглядишь выше" (Penelope! you look taller)

My friends along with Abby we're all startled by his loud voice, yes, I'm isolating Abby from the word 'My friends'

Aunt Copernia came from my Dad's side of the family and she married Dmitry when she was touring Russia for a project during her teen years, she told me that Uncle Dmitry was a closed-off guy who unexpectedly talked to her first when they met.

A little fun fact about Uncle Dmitry is that he has a naturally loud voice that even if he whispers it sounded like an average voice good for conversation, his normal voice is almost like yelling.

Nikki was so startled by him that she unknowingly hugged Nick's arm, I gave out a small giggle

"Рад снова видеть вас дядя Дмитрий" (Glad to see you again Uncle Dmitry) I gave him and Aunt Copernia a small hug

I can hear Nick asking Cloud "Hey dude did I really just hear your girlfriend speak Russian?"

Cloud looked at me proudly "She did, she can speak a lot of languages"

Abby was a bit red from jealousy when she heard Cloud boast about me, she tugged at his sleeve a little "I know how to speak Japanese"

"That's great" Cloud complimented her then patted her head, he turned his focus to Nick who was asking "So how many languages does she really know?"

"French, Chinese, Italian, German, Spanish, and Russian. In total it would be 6 Languages"

Aunt Copernia looked at my group then gave me a sweet smile "Do you wanna join us for breakfast? Your cousin Juliet is already at the table"

Oh My God! Juliet is here!?

Juliet is my cousin who used to have heart cancer and we would rarely see her in reunions, she was the sweetest out of all my cousins. She is older than me by 8 years

She understood me like a sister even though we were cousins and would always help me when other kids would bully me, she is a strong woman that is how she beat cancer's ass

She told me "I ain't dying until I get myself a boyfriend and get married!"

She was into the idea of true love and was determined to find her partner, I remembered when I visited the hospital for her cancer treatment 5 years ago, she would always flirt with the hot nurse guy who was in charge of watching over her consumption of food and to give her medicine

She would always ask the guy out every day and each time he would always say no, but when it was time for her to leave the hospital after the successful treatment of her heart cancer he finally said yes

In my opinion, I think he kept saying no so she would keep fighting to live and beat caner so she can achieve her goal of dating him. The guy was a good dude and until now they are still dating

I sighed as we walked closer to the table
I want a love story of my own too

As soon as Juliet saw me coming closer, she stood up instantly to run to me. She gave me a big hug, her hair is now short

Before she was a cancer survivor she didn't have any hair during the treatment so she would often hide it under a wig or hat, she looked so happy when her hair started growing back after a few months out of the hospital that she video chatted me first

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