She Was Being A Sore Loser

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Chapter seventy-two: "She Was Being A Sore Loser"

Kyle asked Peter why am I on Cloud's shoulder when we entered the classroom, since Kyle is Peter's close friend he told him everything in full detail

Kyle gave me the look "Why we're you even stuck in your locker in the first place anyway?" He rested his arms at the backrest of his chair, he was sitting in an opposite position

Some of our classmates that were near to us has their ears sharpened, Cloud also was waiting for my explanation. I shrugged "Dunno I just felt like I want to lock myself in my locker, who knows, maybe I'll be transported to Narnia"

Cloud gave me a dead laugh "I like your joke but tell us the truth already" he leaned his head on one hand

I crossed my arms "Maybe if you and Aiden haven't been running after me, I wouldn't have made that stupid decision in the first place"

"But aren't all of your decisions stupid?" A girl asked me and they all snickered

"Maybe talking to you is my most stupidest decision but I don't want to be rude so, Hello bitch" I waved at her with a plastic smile on my face

"Oof, better not mess with Penelope right now. She's pissed" a guy told the girl, she rolled her eyes and her long eyelash extension is almost the same length as her long nails
How on earth do they even wash the dishes with those nails?

The guy who was talking to the girl had piercings hidden behind his emo hair and that black eyeliner, Peter was busy talking to Evie who has his eyes set on since the first day. Everybody went to their own conversation, leaving Cloud left to wit for me

We heard the door open and it was Aiden, his eyes landed on us, more specifically me and Cloud. He found a chair that was coincidentally next to mine since we were sitting at the back of the class
I was locked in the locker for this...

The teacher came in right after Aiden and started the class, the new teacher was talking so fast and erasing the markets on the board every time he finishes his very long writing on the whiteboard. I have never felt a lot of adrenaline just from writing notes in class

I was not fast enough because he finished his lecture earlier and asked all of us if we understood his lessons, I slowly raised my hand "You were going too fast"

"Is anyone here who didn't manage to copy all of my writing?" He asked everyone and nobody was raising their hand

"Maybe you were just writing so slow, weren't you even listening? Are you that slow? I know for a fact that I was going at a normal pace" and blah blah blah, he went on talking for a long time

Aiden and Cloud has a bored look on their faces, I was a bit embarrassed but I kept it to myself and I just squeezed my other hand tight to keep myself from going on yelling at him. My heart was beating faster because I was getting close to losing it

"Aren't you a bit too harsh to talk to a student like that?" Cloud told the teacher in a monotone voice

Aiden sat up straight "You're new here and your teaching is not that great"

"I would suggest you don't go talking to people like that since Penelope already roasted our History teacher, you wouldn't want to be added on her hit list" Efren said to him, he was a witness to me yelling in French

The whole class agreed on Efren
"She can curse you in different languages more than you can" Cloud mocked the teacher

This went on from a teacher who has authority to the students ganging up against him real quick, I'm interested to see the outcome. They were all just roasting his teaching skills and it was hurting the huge ego that he made for himself

If this continues, I might be called to the principal's office because this new teacher looks like a coward under all that mature face. He was trying his best to not get affected but it was slipping off and we could see it like bright as day
Alright, maybe we are going a bit too harsh on him

"Just don't degrade a student's capability in learning next time, it's the basic common sense to know that already as a teacher or even before you become one but I doubt you didn't listen much to your lectures" I stood up and held my bag "You don't want the whole school to hate you right?" I asked him and he hesitantly nodded
I was planning to leave if he doesn't agree

He hesitantly nodded, I smiled "Good" I dropped my bag on the floor again. This time the teacher asked us individually if there is something we can suggest to help him improve while I copy Aiden's notes in his notebook, Cloud and Aiden were going off again when I asked to copy their notes

They quickly gave me their notebooks but Aiden was faster so I took his, I'm being fair

For some odd reason, I think I heard Cloud growl at him lowly yet quietly with a burning passion of hate in his eyes. He shoved his notebook back into his bag aggressively and looked away at the corner of my eyes as I was pretending to look at Aiden's notes, I could see he was wearing a victory smile
I can't believe they turn a small request like borrowing notes into a contest

The teacher ended class early and apologized to me after everybody left the classroom, I forgave him and said goodbye before stepping out of the room. Since the third period was canceled we decided to visit Alice who just came into the school, we heard the news from Yara who saw us in the hallway

We saw Alice in the gum with the whole girl's basketball team, she was recently given the title of captain of the team which is a great achievement for her, and we as her friends, felt like we are proud parents

We stopped in front of the gym and we could hear a lot of yelling inside the gym, All 5 of us gave a confused look to each other. We entered and we saw that Alice was yelling at a teammate who was also gelling back at her

"YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE CAPTAIN!" Shane yelled at Alice

Shane was labeled the Danny of sports, she was amazing at it but just like Danny, she is also a stuck-up bitch. She was no match for Alice at though since Alice beat her to the captain title first

Alice was on the verge of beating her up but that will just bring back her old habits and the label of her being a slut, she sighed and looked at Shane dead in the eyes "You're not good enough, that's it" she shrugged at her, Alice didn't yell at her anymore and was giving off the 'I don't care, I just want to finish this stupid conversation' vibe and it was pissing Shane off

"Alice!" I yelled and they all turned to look at me, I was waving to her with a cheerful voice but I did it because I was seeing Shane's hand that is forming into a wrist and I got a bad feeling she was gonna punch Alice

The girls swooned once Aiden and Cloud entered the gym
"Why are you guys fighting?" Cloud went up and asked Alice, one his hand is in his pocket while the other was holding the strap of his bag

She pointed to Shane "She was being a sore loser"

We all snorted when she said that

We all snorted when she said that

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