Rubbing Shoulders With Chef Ramsay

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Chapter seventy-six: "Rubbing Shoulders With Chef Ramsay"

Wendy and Cloud played games while I was enjoying the hot cup of choco with little marshmallows floating on top of it, the weather was starting to get colder

We stayed at my home for a while before driving back to his Penthouse, we were surprised by someone who was waiting for us in the living room. It was Cloud's Mom, Sophia Marshall

No words could explain how unbelievably beautiful she was, it makes me wonder why does she even have to hide her face through my Aunt who is her secretary. She was looking down at a fashion magazine where her brand was on the cover with a girl modeling an outfit, her meadow green eyes glanced at us, and her pouty lips formed into a warm smile "Cloud"

The interaction was awkward and the way he looks at his mother is filled with spite like he is only keeping up with formality and respect to the person who gave birth to him, Sophia's eyes are saddened at her son's cold reply. Her hand reached for something inside of her bag and pulled it out

It looks like a wrapped birthday gift, she held it up to give it to Cloud "Your Dad bought all of you some gifts"

Cloud scoffed and ignored the present that Sophia was holding up to him "I don't believe that story even for a bit Mom, I know Dad. He wouldn't even think of buying us gifts" he said in a low voice before entering the master's bedroom, he didn't even hesitate to slam the door loudly

I was just standing there as a witness to it all, my hands are just intertwined while I swing my body slightly backs and forth while staying in the same position. Sophia looked at me and stood up, she handed me the present "Could you be so kind to give this to Cloud for me?"

"I apologize if he might act like this in front of you" she added and gave me an apologetic smile, I laughed it off like it was nothing "I have seen way worse than what he did right now, don't worry he won't be like that for long"

She grabbed both of my hands and gaze at me directly in the eyes "If you need help from Cloud just call me" she gave me her number that is written on a small piece of paper

"Also I made you both dinner while I waited, I'll be going now I have a flight to Greece tomorrow" she waved goodbye to me before entering the elevator, I looked down at the present that was tasked to me by Sophia to give it to Cloud. My feet moved on their own and because I was just curious about what Sophia cooked for us

I checked and it was zucchini enchilada roll-ups that are placed in a casserole dish, it was also freshly made because there is still steam coming out of the food. The door from the Master's bedroom was opened and Cloud poked his head out "Is she gone?"

I nodded "Yeah, she just left after she asked me to give this to you" I handed him the gift

He has calmed down and he even changed into comfortable clothes. He was wearing basketball shorts and a band t-shirt, he sat at the barstool as his eyes are still glued to the present. I suppose he was not sure what his reaction will be

He shook his head and gave out a small maniacal laugh "They won't fool me, that damn person of a Dad won't even acknowledge my existence let alone give me a gift" he threw the gift on the kitchen island

I pulled out 2 plates for us to use "Aren't you curious what's inside though?" I glanced at him and handed the plate to his hand

He shrugged "I guess I am, could you open it for me?"

I put down my plate and reached for the gift "Are you sure that I'm gonna open it? Don't you want to do it yourself?" I asked him just to make sure he won't regret that I will be opening his gift, he was making second thoughts then he said "Give it"

I smiled and handed him his gift, he unwrapped it to find that it was a new sketchbook with his name engraved on the spine "I think my Uncle bought this, he wouldn't know that my hobby is drawing because he wasn't even there to witness it" he murmured

I tried to think up something to lift his mood "But hey! new sketchbook acquired right?" I gave him a grin and his lips formed a small smile "I guess you're right" he puts down the notebook beside his plate on the kitchen island and we proceeded to eat the zucchini enchilada, it was heavenly by the way
If Sophia didn't make it as a world-renowned designer she would be a 5-star chef and be rubbing shoulders with chef Ramsay

We both finished eating and Cloud helped put the leftovers in a lunchbox before shoving it inside the fridge, I was in charge of cleaning the dirty plates that were piled up on the kitchen sink since this morning. The elevator bells chimed and we both turned to see who it is, Liam and Noah graced us with their presence"I see Cloud is sulking again" Liam punched Cloud's shoulder lightly

Noah opened the fridge to see what's inside "He is always like that, there is nothing new about his personality"

"Could you guys stop roasting me? I just got a shock of a lifetime" Cloud threw the sketchbook to Liam's hand, Noah took a peek while eating the ice cream jelly

Cloud crossed his arms and leaned at the countertop "Mom told me that Dad bought that as a gift"

Noah blew a raspberry "Yeah right, I got skates even though I'm not the one doing ice hockey here" he tilted his head to Liam

Liam pinched his nose bridge "I got a tennis racket, I don't even play tennis"

"So what did the others get?" I asked as I sat on the barstool and drank the packed orange juice, Noah snorted and Liam was holding his laugh

"Oliver got a set of books and Mason got the Knitting set, Mom even mixed their favorite past time" Liam answered
Wait a minute

"I didn't know Oliver has a feminine hobby" my lips formed into a smile on their own, the idea of seeing a guy do feminine hobbies is just refreshing. Cloud nodded to me "He makes mittens, scarves, and even hats for us if he has the determination to even finish his knitting"

"So what did, Dustin and Benji get?" Cloud added as he asked them both

"Benji got a race car even though he likes planes and Dustin got a chess game"

Cloud scoffed "At least they got Dustin's and mines right"

"So what brings you both here?" I asked Liam and Noah

Liam threw himself on the couch and Noah continued to search the fridge "We want to get out of the palace, Dad's there and the place is a freakin mess. You should've seen Mason's face once he heard the news" Noah explained

Liam continued Noah's story "He locked himself in his room and told us that he would rather starve than see his face"
It seems like all of the Marshall siblings have Daddy issues other than Cloud, I was not expecting it to be this bad. What kind of a father can make all 7 of his children hate him so much? A neglectful one that is

They both wanted to stay in the penthouse for the night and just go back home once their Dad will leave for England tomorrow

They both wanted to stay in the penthouse for the night and just go back home once their Dad will leave for England tomorrow

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