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Chapter one hundred twenty-nine: "Farmer"

"God Mira, you're so heavy" I complained as I help Mira walk home, I took a peek behind me to see Wyett struggling to hold Daisy and Max
Aiden must be busy with his fan meeting

After the concert ended the fans started to line up for autographs and pictures, there were a hundred thousand of them so it might take him a while to finish them all

Mira was hardly walking straight and she even fell down 2 times already

We managed to arrive at Max and Mira's home, me and Wyett decided to let us crash here for the night since my body was already sleepy. I borrowed some of Mira's clothes to change into something more I'm comfortable

I changed my clothes in Mira's bedroom, Mira and Daisy were dead asleep on the bed while snoring loudly. Both of them were a hassle to get up to the second floor and I think I almost broke my back

Since I finished changing out of the beach dress I found a place to put them on then went downstairs to see Wyett on his laptop, his eyes and fingers moved swiftly across the screen and keyboard

"Sending the pictures already?" I asked as I sat down beside him on the dinner table where he was working at

He nodded not breaking eye contact at the screen "I better hurry since it's almost 12"

My upper body leaned a little so I can look over his shoulder, I saw my picture along with many other pictures being sent

"My picture won't be in a magazine, right? I might become a celebrity if they found me through there" I joked while pointing my index finger at my picture

"Don't worry the higher-ups have the last say at what will be added to the magazine, I just sent the pictures for them to choose from" he then clicked send to the email

There was a knock at the door
Who on earth is out there in the middle of the night?

I stood up and went to look at the peephole of the door to find Aiden at the porch looking panicked, my hand went to open the lock and let him in "You look scared" I giggled

Aiden looks outside before quietly closing the door shut and locking it "It's only the first concert and I have witnessed a scary fight between two females" he shivered
Two females fighting is like a big Tug of war but they have killing intent

He raked his finger through his messy hair before his honey brown eyes landed on Wyett at the dinner table, the room may be dark but the moonlight that entered through the window made his eyes have a little glow in them that shone beautifully

"You look tired" Aiden pointed out to Wyett

"Thanks for pointing it out Mr obvious, I haven't noticed it" Wyett wittily answered Aiden's words while giving him a straight face

From the other side of the door, I can hear Aiden's fans looking for him

"Where is he?"

"He couldn't just fly off!"

"Hurry he must have gone to his home!"

They all agreed to each other before running off in the direction where Aiden's home was located
I don't need to worry if Aiden can be caught by them, his physical ability is on par with Cloud so he wouldn't be caught by them that quickly

Aiden went to look for food in the kitchen
A star who is scavenging for food in other people's homes is gonna make a good headline

"Hold on, I'll get you some food at the festival. Wait here" I ordered him as I grabbed Max's coat and wrapped it around me before I went out

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