End Of Me

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Chapter eighty-nine: "End Of Me"

I rubbed my nose and groaned in pain "What the hell is your chest made out of? STEEL!?" I asked him loudly, it felt like my nose got crushed.

Cloud snorted "People say I have rock hard abs but that's a first"

He was only wearing a towel to cover his lower parts "Why didn't you bring your clothes in the shower" I narrowed my eyes at his face
Too much staring can make him assume that I like him and that is a risk factor I'm never gonna take

"What? Are you gonna hit me again?"

"Just move Cloud, I need to wash too"

He moved out of the bathroom and used both hands to point directly in the bathroom, I grabbed the towel that is in the bathroom and put down the clothes on the shelves. Before I closed the door I could see Cloud's broad back as he wore a t-shirt
His everyday workouts are paying off real good

What the fuck did I just say in my head?!

Maybe I need a hot bath to wake up my drowsy head a bit, being sleepy can make you think a lot of things that were never meant to be thought of too deeply.

I removed my dirty clothes and gather them all on the counter and hopped into the shower, the hotel gave us soap, shampoo, and conditioner. How thoughtful. Although I did bring my own Shampoo since my hair is frizzy and I can't risk it by having another product being used on.

As soon as the hot water touches my skin my stiff body finally relaxes from the intense day I've had, well, it's not intense but I did have a great time during the train ride. My thoughts suddenly went to Abby who saw Cloud across the train station among the crowd

When her eyes met Cloud's it gave a sense of longing and warmth, she was a lovely girl. Pretty in fact. She was so nice even though she found out about my relationship
But why do I feel scared?

Like if I don't hold on to Cloud he will go straight to her arms, I was getting mixed emotions and my chest feels so tight like I couldn't breathe that I have to put a hand over my chest just to check if my heart is still beating. I turned off the shower faucet and grabbed the soap
What kind of history do they have and how come nobody knows Abby?

If anything I would like to ask Cloud but that would only make his ego higher if he assumes that I might be jealous
Ha! Why do I care?

I hurried and finished up showering before drying myself with the fluffy towel, putting on my clothes quickly, and continued drying my hair with the towel right after. Before I could turn the doorknob there was a woman's giggle on the bedroom

Slightly opening the door and peeked through the small opening, Abby was at the door talking to Cloud with a huge smile on her face
Why do I care?

I shrugged off this weird feeling and stepped out of the bathroom while drying my hair, it caught their attention and Abby's eyes has a hint of shock, and her hands that was playing with her hair stopped all


"Hm?" I snapped out of my thoughts once he called out to me

He pointed his finger at the floor "You're wetting the floor again"

The floor was indeed wet, I was supposed to go to the bed "We aren't in the penthouse anymore Cloud"

He rolled his eyes and sigh before taking long strides to take my towel out of my hand
It seems that he doesn't like wetting the carpet or the floor

Cloud was drying my hair and scolding me "If you leave the floor wet you are gonna slip and fall that you might hit your head in the process, can't have your brain get any smaller do we?" That was the final straw before I glared at Cloud and punches him in the stomach

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