He Is Already A Troublemaker

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Chapter one hundred eighteen: "He Is Already A Troublemaker"

I watch the man leave the shop with his tall stature

"BOO!" Daisy yelled from behind me that scared me so much my soul almost left my body, I hit Daisy's shoulder that was now shaking from laughter

"Not funny, there was a creepy man that just bought ice cream here" I pointed at the door

"Penelope, everyone is creepy at night. That's just a tourist so calm down" she started cleaning the tables and puts the closed sign at the door

I don't think that guy came here for a vacation


We finally closed the shop after cleaning and head back to Daisy's home right after, it was nighttime at the seaside and the streetlights are also limited so the pathway going back was a bit dark since the streetlights are far apart.

The waves from the beach that I can hear soothes my shaky self
A lot has happened today

As we get closer I can see Olivia was waiting for us by the door "Dinner is ready" she lets us in and helps us with our bags

We changed out of our uniforms and wore something a bit more comfortable, while I was putting on my t-shirt I heard my phone ring on the bed so I finished putting it on quickly then answered my call


"Hey, Pip did you get home safe?" I can hear him walking based on how he was breathing

I sat on the bed and hugged a pillow close to my chest "I did finish working at the ice cream shop just now, what about you? Did you get to your new place safe?"

"I did, the neighbors are extremely nice that they did invite me over for dinner" he chuckled, I heard a knock from downstairs

"Gotta go I have to help with dinner"
I ended the call and head downstairs quickly to answer the door because Daisy was preparing the played on the table while Ted and Olivia were busy with the food

When I opened the door I saw Aiden in front of me "What are you doing here?"

He has his phone close to his ear because I ended the call so abruptly, Aiden was surprised at first but then he gave me a wide grin and waved at me "Hello new neighbor"
I find it surprising that fate must be playing games here

"Who's at the door?" Daisy walked up to me so I opened the door wide for her to see, her dark brown eyes landed on Aiden she gasped in surprise "Holy shit, oh wow uh what are you doing here?"

"He's our new neighbor" I whispered to her ear when I leaned my upper body sideways

I did hear from Ted that someone just moved in right after I came here but I didn't expect that Aiden would be our new neighbor right after he asked me out

"Oh Good! You're here!" Olivia excitedly welcomed Aiden into their home, he politely greeted Ted and Olivia as he took a seat at the table
I'm had made himself at home very quickly once he entered

The Junifer's took interest in Aiden, I can tell because they kept bombarding him with a lot of questions. We finished eating dinner so me and Daisy helped in giving out the dessert "So Aiden when is your first concert?" Ted asked him as he started eating the tiramisu

Aiden thanked me as I gave him a tiramisu before he answered "It's the same day as the festival"
That's news to me!

Daisy jumped along with Olivia "It's gonna bring in a lot of people! More people more customers!" Olivia was over the moon of the news

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