Cottage Core

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Chapter one hundred six: "Cottage Core"

I woke up with a headache that it feels like my head is splitting apart
I drank too much last night

Suddenly all of last nights events came flooding back, the lacy panties that I showed to Cloud, the weird giggles I let out, and I EVEN TOUCHED HIS LIPS

This revelation made me wide awake that I turned to my side to see Cloud
Holy fuck he was staring at me!!

He had a sly smirk on his face "Morning Angel" he grinned

"M-morning... I didn't do anything too weird right?" I asked him worried as I point my index finger at myself

He chuckled then he started to trace his fingers at my arm his attention was focused on my arm until he raises his eyes to look at me "You look good in lace"

"No!" I yelled at my pillow as I try to suffocate myself, the pillow was taken away from me "What are you doing!?" Cloud's eyes were looking at me filled with confusion

"Well if you haven't noticed Mr obvious, I just embarrassed myself"

"I don't think so, I think drunk Angel is a cute little version of you" he sighed "You were so obedient and snuggly"

I shot him a glare
I also felt something soft on my lips last night, was it him?

What did that can't be

Pushing him off of me immediately I ran to the bathroom to lock myself in, I tried my best to remember the events of last night. I was acting cute in front of him

Wait no-


It was then and there that my pride as Penelope the iron fist who was always the violent woman became a cutesy girl for the night

I washed my face and did my hygiene before planning to face Cloud head-on, my hand reached the doorknob and slammed the door open startling Cloud who was on the bed playing games on his phone. My face was flushed red and no words could come out of my mouth

Being so frustrated I stomped my way to Cloud who looked nervous gazing at me, I grabbed a fist full of his t-shirt and yanked him close to me that our faces were close "What did you do to me last night?"

He sighed "Fine you caught me"

There that's more like it, now he will continue to tell me that he's been-

"I kissed you"

My jaw dropped "WHAT!?"

He scratched the back of his neck "I kind of wanted to do it so don't freak out ok?" He tried his best to calm me down but he made it more worst

"Cloud you took my first kiss! I was saving that kiss!" I told him loudly at the top of my lungs that he covered both of his ears in the process
My first kiss was everything to me, I was planning to give it to the person I love! And this idiot stole it!

"Cloud I know you were low but I didn't think you were this low" I massaged my temple from the stress that was thrown at me this early in the morning

"First of all, I'm not low, and second of all I can fix this" he retorted at me, Cloud kept tailing me as I was trying to walk away from him but this room only has its limits of being big

I stopped abruptly making him stop walking behind me, I turned my body around and have both of my hands at my hips "What are you gonna do? Erase the kiss you stole from me!?"

"And I can return it to you"

Is this guy for real!? Ancestors in hell are you guys listening to the shit this guy is spouting at me?
"Cloud that's not how kisses work"

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