Lavender Scent

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Chapter eighty-four: "Lavender Scent"

I hopped into the car and waited for him to get in, he was still frozen in place at the porch as he gazed at me from the inside of the car. Cloud looked back at the house before strolling back to the car then started the ignition

The heater in the car helped me warm up from the chilly wind outside, the night was quiet since the neighborhood is asleep. I didn't look at Cloud because I don't want to appear to look stupid than what I already am
Tomorrow might be awkward

"I heard a loud noise inside" he spoke

I didn't glance at him and I ignored his words, the topic about my parents when it comes to my life is just hard to explain. While staring out of the car window, I saw a family of three walking on the sidewalk

They have happy faces while they put a lot of attention to their child who is in the middle holding both of his parents' hands
Lucky kid


Cloud parked the car at the underground parking lot then we got out right after, I always hate the underground parking lot because of this eerie feeling I always get. I don't know, maybe it's from all of those scary movies I always watch

He didn't take off his eyes on me and I can tell because I can always sense his gaze every time, we took the elevator to the lobby where only a few people are going in and out. The ladies have their curious eyes on Cloud who is beside me as we walk to the elevator that leads to the penthouse

The elevator would either be quiet or they would play simple music that you would hear in television shows or movies, I was so deep in my head that I didn't notice that I was already in the bedroom. Today was supposed to be okay but I guess it won't since Danny came into the picture and ruined it for me
But I was at fault too

Cloud was in the closet to change his clothes and I took the opportunity to take the master's bathroom all for myself since the bathtub is big inside and I wanted to soak myself in warm water, I locked the door before removing my clothes and throwing them in the hamper. I could hear the door from the walk-in closet open
Cloud must be done changing

My hand went to remove my scrunchy and lay it on the counter beside the sink, I look at my body in the mirror and it was unsightly. There are some scars that I acquired from childhood that hasn't faded a lot and it was still obvious, the birthmark that is shaped like a heart at the bottom of my spine and the small stretch marks I have from the weight that I've lost, it's not that noticeable but if you look closely it is obvious

My hair is always frizzy if I don't care for it properly and my plain face that doesn't have any special feature
God, I look awful

There is something inside of me that wanted to break the mirror that showed my ugliest state of wellbeing, the ugly part where I don't look like the beauty standard and where I'm not that smart or a perfect daughter. It was exhausting for me both physically and mentally

I am thankful that I was able to have great sisters where they helped me take care of myself but no matter what I do, I always see myself as someone who looks like I was designed as a mistake. My body went to the faucet to turn on the warm water to fill up the bathtub and I entered it while waiting for it to fill to the top

The splashing of water that comes out of the faucet is loud enough for me to weep silently, it took me a long time before washing myself right after crying and drying myself. There was one thing I forgot since my mind was so occupied
I forgot to bring clothes, Damn it Penelope

I opened the door a little to peek outside just to see if Cloud is in the bedroom, don't want him to see me in a towel. When the coast was clear I tiptoed to the closet to get my clothes, I assumed that Cloud is in the living room or at the terrace watching the stars again

"Your wetting the carpet Angel"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to find Cloud was actually inside the room, he was just at the sofa near the large window which is the blind spot from the bathroom door view. The spot of the sofa was actually dark too so it was hard to notice him in the room

My grip on the towel tightened and my cheeks burned, I have never been in a situation where a guy has seen me in a towel and being naked underneath. Especially if that guy is Cloud, I checked to see the carpet and he was right

The drops of water from my wet hair are falling on the carpet and making it wet, he puts down the astrology book on the seat next to him on the sofa and sighed as he stood up then took long strides to me. He walked so far with only a few steps, Cloud grabbed a towel near the closet and dried my hair "You're gonna get sick again if you don't dry yourself properly and the carpet will stay wet for a while"

His eyes were focused on drying my hair and I didn't notice how his eyes sometimes glow brightly and beautifully when even a tiny fragment of light hits it, it would make it glow and shine. When people look at Cloud the first thing that they would notice is his eyes then his smile if he even shows one to strangers

The girl who would end up with Cloud in the future would be extremely lucky to see his face every morning but will also be unlucky at the same time for his unbearable egotistical personality, just the thought of waking up and seeing his face is something weird but it made me
feel light inside

Like a ray of sunlight right after a strong storm

He finishes drying my hair and looked down at me, he seemed a bit surprised when he saw my face that he leaned closer to me "Angel...did you cry?" He asked me in a gentle voice filled with worry

I touched my face "Did I?" I laughed it off a little like it was nothing "It must be the soap that got in my eye" I smiled a little while I rub my right eye

He has an unsure face and didn't believe my words, Cloud's hand touched my hair and moved it to one side to reveal my neck and collarbone of my left side, his arm crept slowly to my waist to pull me in. He lowered his head to the crook of my neck and I could feel the tip of his nose grazing my skin lightly which made me shiver

My hand immediately went to his chest to keep a small distance between us, his heartbeat was slow and relaxed yet it sped up a little when I breathe to his ear because his ear was close to me

"You're lying" he whispers to my ear, his voice was low and his warm breathe reached my ear and skin that I feel weird inside to the point that my body feels like it is really warm even though I just took a bath

I scoffed "How? Can you even tell?" I questioned him with a smug look on my face, he saw it and smirked "You always smell like lavender after you shower, the scent is not there anymore Angel"
I didn't know that the lavender scent was that strong

"Alright you pervert, you can let go now" I removed his arm around my waist and pushed him back using my hand that was laid on his chest
I also need to push him back because I might think of unholy imaginations if he gets any more closer than we already are, plus I am still in my towel

"Alright you pervert, you can let go now" I removed his arm around my waist and pushed him back using my hand that was laid on his chest I also need to push him back because I might think of unholy imaginations if he gets any more closer than we a...

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